chapter 33

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I arrived at the pack house shortly after dropping of Jolene at David's. I shifted after entering the yard. I walked to the door and opened it then was hugged by a very worried Emma. "Your ok I was worried then beta Marcus came back with Tyler looking upset I thought somthing happened" Emma said shaking. I blinded down and hug the little girl back "I'm sorry for worried you my little Emma but I had to help with a friend she was about to be attacked by a corrupted beta and I just couldn't leave her she my friend" I explaned to the young girl. She nodded as we separated "Aunt Debbie is back she is in the livingroom with Jake" she said. I nodded and walked to livingroom. I saw mom and Jake on the couch across from Tori and Kyla along with their mates. I sat down next to Kyla "Hannah honey is everything ok I got back and your not here what happened" mom asked with a concern look on her face. "I'll explain later when John gets home but tell me how was your date and don't you dare leave any details" I said smiling. Mom smiled as the boys groaned and left the room not wanting to hear girl mushy talk. Then mom started to tell us her time with Jake and what happened. "Then he kissed me and I was shocked. I kissed him back and it was amazing so yeah we're dating" mom said finishing her detailed story. Me and the girls started to squeal in happiness. Skyler had snuck in in the middle of the conversation and was more excited then the rest of us. "OMG OMG I knew this was going to happen yesssss" Kyla said "and you said that you wouldn't find anyone" Tori added and I giggled making everyone look at me. "You knew about this didn't you" mom asked and I nodded. "Yep I told to Jake last night. He asked if he could take you out and if I could give him my blessing and I said yes" I said smirking. Mom started to laugh along with everyone. I then heard the front door open and close. I sniffed the air and smelled John I jumped up and ran to The door. At the door was a tired John I hugged him and he started to chuckle "someone missed me" John said hugging me back. I started to sob into his neck "love what's wrong" he asked sensing my tears. I didn't answer him I was just so happy that he was back and safe "Hannah what is wrong" he said pulling me away and looked into my eyes with a concern look "John we got to talk I found somthing out while you were gone and it's not pleasant news I'm afraid" I whispered looking down at the ground. John pulled my chin up and nodded.

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