chapter 45

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I standing at the window watching as many of the guys left with John for battle. The only ones that was staying behind was Kyla, Tori, Tyler, Marcus, Paul, Skyler, Daniel, David, and myself. We have to stay and protect 7 females that are unable to battle along with Emma who is to young to shift making it a total of eight people in the house not including my team. the last wolf left of the war party I then felt a hand on my shoulder making me then and it was Paul "he will be okay trust me he is one of the best warriors this pack has" he said reassuringly. I smiled "thank you Paul I need to focus on the task at hand" I said. Paul nodded the walked over to Skyler and hugged her then picked up Emma. I smiled at the sight then turned and saw Marcus and Tori hugging and talking Daniel was on the phone and David was with Jolene. I turned and saw Kyla and Tyler talking and all of the hugging and the talking madee think of John and how worried and how touched I care for him. I whimper then frowned turned and and looked out the window again hoping to see a sandy color wolf run back from the woods but that's not what happen. Instead a saw shadows movie in the forest so I sniffed the air. It was full of blood and darkness making me growl. I turned "we got company it looks like they are trying to distract the war party and hit home get all the females down stairs to Kaylen and Josh hurry" I said walking ti the basement stairs. Daniel hung up his phone and opened the door David pushed Jolene to the door "I love you" was the last thing he said before she rushed down the stairs. Tyler and Kyla were rushing the female wolves into the basement "hurry well hold them off" Marcus said Tori closed the door after Emma was pushed in there by Paul and Skyler locked it. We all shifted forms and stood in the livingroom growling Tori use the stairs on below it is a gun with poison bullets they can kill any wolf that is fatally wounded so be careful who you shout I said turning to face the only human in the room "ok come on Marcus I need u to come with me" Tori said but I step I front of Marcus making him growl at me this made tori turn and look at me "what's wring Hannah I thought Marcus would look after me" Tori said narrowing her eyes. The sound of the enemy was getting g closer normal I would let him go with you but he and I have a lot of heat on us so if he is with you then that would mean more heat on you I want you to take Kyla or Daniel with you I explaned. This made Marcus growl she is my mate I'll protect her Marcus snarl. I turned and growled at him we don't have time to argue Marcus I know very well she is your mate see is my sister and that is why I won't let you get her kill because you waited to do something that you and I know very well you can't with that bounty on you head I snarled at him I'll go Marcus sheld be fine in my paws Kyla said walked up he stairs with Tori. Marcus glared at me but turn and looked at the door were we all hear commotion going on. Just then twenty wolves jumbo thought the windows and doors crashing into the livingroom. They growled at us then attacked us and we attacked them. I saw the corrupt beta from before and ran right to him but sion was walked to the ground by a black and white wolf. It growled at me but I attacked it exposed neck it howled in pain and thrashed but I didn't let go. I bit harder making him howl louder in pain until he talk limp. I throw the dead body off if me and looked at everything dead wolves layed on the floor. I heard a gun shot in the air making me jump but the bullet hut a wolf behind me making me turn around. Daniel loomed like he was have trouble with the two wolves he was battling. I rush over to him. I jumped up and grabbed the ing ontop of him by the neck and being him down with me when I fell. It scratched my stomach making blood coat my fur but I still throw it off anyway then I attacked it finishing it off. Daniel looked at me an nodded in graduate then took off to help Kyla who was have trouble if her own. Both Tyler and Marcus was battling the corrupt beta. I ran forward to help but was thrown into a wall an held down haha it looks like I get what I want anyway. Alpha John didn't even know that I was with this attack group bow he can't stop me from taking you Alpha Ryo said pining me down. I growl you won't take me alive I snarl then attacked his stomach with my claws making him howl in pain but he still held me down. He then growled then bit my neck make g me howl in  pain grabbing Skyler attention no you'll let her go she said jumping onto his back. The evil alpha growled then grab her by her back and throw her . Skyler hit a wall and fell on Skyler I called. Kyla soon attacked him to giving me an opening and I bit his neck making him snarl and thrashed. Since I was whack from the fatal wound on my throat he succeed in throwing me. I hit a wall across the room I slowly got up Tyler and Marcus finished the corrupted beta. I turned back ti the alpha as he slowly walked to me oh how I'm going to enjoy this he said smirking. I smiled you can't defeat me that early stupid I'm far more powerful then you come at me with everything you got I snarled. The alpha rushed at me but I dodged his attack. I then bit his back making him snarl at me. I throw him across the room then Kyla attacked him biting his neck making. I charged at him and bit his back again after I jumped on him. Ill not die here y. . .your all going to. . . .p. . .pay the alpha said before he fall llimp. Telling me he is dead.

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