chapter 11

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After our conversation John shifted and left leaving Me to dwell in my thought 'I think he thinks I'm behind him oh well I'll tell him later" I thought. I continue to lay on the ground looking at the waterfall. You could see all the wild life from the fish to the bird to the insects. It was beautiful until the birds scattered. 'What something out there. I thought. I sniffed the air, I smelled a secret 'no this is Ryos packs scent he must be in the territory and probably looking for me. I thought. I jumped up looking around but suddenly I was sent to the ground. I looked up to see a dirty grey wolf pinning me to the ground. I bit his paw forcing him to jump and dodge then I jumped on his back bitting his shoulder making him howl in pain. I jumped off of him just to be thrown to the wall by a brown wolf. I groan from the pain. I got up and attack the brown wolf tackling it to the ground and bitting it on the shoulder like the grey one. I soon was forced off the brown wolf by it partner the grey wolf. It bit down on my shoulder then tossing me into the lake below the waterfall. I surfaced and swam to shore. Once I got there I had both the brown and grey wolf attacking me. I dodged the brown wolf's attack to my throat but the grey one made contact with my stomach sending me into the trees. I howled from the pain. As I got up I groan. I turned and ran from the field knowing that I couldn't win. I ran until I started to see black dots in my vision. I reached outside the pack house but I couldn't shift with all the blood loss. I fell to the ground just outside of the woods. I looked up just to see a blurry figure running to me just before I black out

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