chapter 7

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     The pack house came into view about 10 to 20 from the creek with Skyler and Tori. Tori climbed off and walked into the house me and Skyler shifted and walked in. I could hear laughter in the kitchen. "Are those the other members" I asked looking at Skyler "yes I can smell my mate but I'll help you find your friend first" she said. My eyes widen "thank you Skyler but I know that you want to be next to your mate you should go I can find it on my own" I said "no no no he can wait I need to help you as a member of this pack plus that what friends for helping each other" she said bowing. "Thank you and you are right my friend" I said and continue to walk. Skyler walked me to the informatory and to Kylas room.
       I opened the door to see Tori and Kyla talking they both stopped and looked at me. "Hannah your back" Kyla yelled "what happened To you I thought you were behind me" Tori said. "I was but I got lost a little and Skyler was showing me to Kylas room how are you feeling little one" I said looking down "just fine the medicine they use is awesome" she said excited "and hyper I can see I'm soooo sorry Kyla if I jus-" I was cut off "don't you apologize to me that was not your fault" she said glaring at me "ok" I said "well I need to go before Paul comes a tire down the door so I'll take my leave my friend Kyla it was a pleasure to meet you see you three soon goodbye" Skyler said leaving. "Goodbye Skyler and thank you" Tori said "it was my pleasure" she said closing the door. "Oh Hannah has somethin to tell you Kyla" Tori said excited "oh what is it" Kyla said looking at me "I umm found my mate" I said looking down with a blush on my cheeks "OMG when Hannah who where" she screamed.
     Just before I could answer there was a knock. Tori walked to the door and opened it "ye-" she stopped. "What wrong Tori" I said looking at her "Ma-Marcus ho-how are you here" Tori said stepping back I looked at Kyla and she looked at me. When Marcus was fully in the room he looked at everyone "I-I'm a werewolf" he said looking down. "Your like Hannah" she said waking to him "yes but my fur color is silver I was the wolf that lead you here I'm so sorry Tori I lied to you" he said with tears in his eyes "of course I forgive you now I know why we are together I'm your mate am I" Tori said "yes you are" he said "that is soooo AWESOME Hannah found hers and Marcus his" Kyla screeched in excitement "now if only you had one Kyla" I joked "hey that would be awesome we would be the three mate muscutears" she screamed. I looked at Marcus and Tori and then we all busted up laughing. " now it is you turn who is your mate Hannah" Kyla said glaring at me i gloped and looked at Tori 'help me' I mouthed.

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