chapter 36

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I awake the next morning after I landed on the floor with a hard thump. This made John jump out of the bed and shift in mid air and land infront of the bed. I groan then rubbed the back of my head. John turned and looked at me. He walked over to me what happen love John asked pushing his muzzle into my shoulder. I put my hand on his head "it's ok I'm fine I just fell off the bed" I said petting him. He started to make a purring noise as he lend into my touch. So your the one that made the noise John said and I nodded "I'm sorry I spooked you love" I said smiling a little. He started to chuckle and I giggled then I got up "I'm going to go cook breakfast do you want anything" I asked walking to the door. The sandy wolf shook his head. I nodded and walked out of the room Hannah wait a voice called that belonged to John. I then turned and looked at him after you eat meet me in the backyard I'm going to spear with you he said before running to the front door. I groaned then walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a pan and some butter, eggs and a bowl. I cracked two eggs and put them into the bowl then broke them up then poor them into the hot pan I then steer the eggs that was in the pot and plated it. I moved to the counter stool and sat down and eat. As I was batting my mother and her boyfriend came down the stairs "morning mom and Jake" I said putting some eggs into my mouth "morning sweety I'm take Jake to work then I'll be back" my mom said. I nodded and she walked out the door. Then a few minutes later the girls came down with their mates following. Tori sat next to me as Kyla went to the kitchen "I got a phone talk last night from Daniel" Tori said. This made me look up "really what did he want" I asked raising an eyebrow "I don't know he was asking for you so you should talk him when you get down with your training today" Tori saidand Kyla nodded in agreement. "Ok I'll do it" I said finishing my eggs. I got up and put the plate in the sink "ok I'm going to the backyard if y'all want to see the battle then come watch I dint care if you do and it would do you some good Kyla if you watched it'll give you some idea in how we wolves fight" I said looking at her "ok I'll he out there in a few minutes" Kyla said. I nodded then walked outside. I saw a sandy color wolf laying in the yard. John got up and walked over to me are you ready he asked and I nodded then "yes I'm ready" I said then shifted to my white wolf form good I don't want to hurt you so I'm not going to go full out I'm just testing you John said ok and I don't want to hurt you and John I got a problem if any of my friends help they well have to know my secret I said lowering ky head that is fine I'll even accept them into the pack they may be humans but they are your friend and that means I need to trust them plus I like that David and Daniel they are protective of you and that's good so I doubt mind he said licking my head thank you I said licking him back and this made him purr no problem I sent Paul to ready he the medicine for anyone who needs it. And you need to get ready to train some of the female wolves he said of course but the that first I said and him nodded just then Kyla and Tyler came out with Tori and Marcus. Marcus and Tyler turned wolf and let the girls on. John then started to run and I took off after him with Marcus and Tyler following. We ran for ten minutes until we came to a building then John stopped. Me and the boys stopped this is the training building lets go John said then turned and walked in and I followed with the boys behind me.

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