chapter 20

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I looked at all the dresses in awe and then I heard tori squeal in excitment. I turned and looked at Kyla and tori "ok Kyla your frist go look at the dresses choice your pick I'm paying" I said "really ok then I well" she said running ti the racks with the dresses. After about three minutes she picked three dresses and walked into a dressing room. She came out with a green dress. "No no " Tori said shaking her head. Kyla went back into the room and changed. She came out with a black strapless dress that showed her figure and that had a red tie that rapped around her waist. "Yes oh yes that's perfect" Tori said jumping up and down. "Ok Tori your next" I said. I turned to Skyler and Emma what do you think about the dress" I asked "oh we love it. It shows her figure and it just looks good on her" Emma said excited. I turned back to see tori grab three dresses and run into the dressing room. Tori came out wereing yellow dress " no no" Emma said and I agreed. Tori went backed into the dressing room. After about three minutes she came out wereing a light pale green strapless dress with a light blue tie around the waist. I turned to Emma who was jumping up and down with excitement "yes tori that dress is perfect for you" Emma said. I look at Tori and nodded my head. "Ok Hannah your next" Tori said pushing me to the racks. I looked at three different called dresses. I grab them and walked into the changing room. I changed into a white dress. I walked out showing the girl. "No no change now" Tori said shaking her head. I walked back in changing into a forest green dress. Walked out "No no change" Emma said as Skyler agreed by shaking her head. I turned back to the changing room. I walked through the door. I changed into a sky blue dress with a white ribbon around the waist. I walked out and I turn when I looked into Tori, Skyler, Emma's and Kyla eyes they all sparkled with amazement "that's the dress its the one" Tori said and Skyker shined together. "Really not to much" I blushed "to much please this dress is perfected" Emma said jumping. I nodded my head. When I finished changing back into my clothes we went and chuckled out. I put the three dress un the trunk of my car and started driving back to the pack house.

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