chapter 13

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"Tyler what are you doing here" Nora asked "K-Kyla I-I-I came to see Hannah and Alpha John I heared about what happened I'm sorry I was not here" he stuttered. "So your a werewolf to" Kyla said standing "yes I am I was going to tell you but I got sent to a pack to be a spy to see what they are up to so I couldn't tell you until I got back" he explained "oh I see that's fine" she said "really" he said shocked "you don't care that I'm a werewolf" he said "if she care then she would not be my friend Tyler" I said. "Oh yeah your a wolf too" he said. Tyler and Kyla looked at each other and Marcus sat next to Tori before I continue my story about the attack.
When I finished the story everyone looked at me then she at Tyler "what is the problem Tyler you came rushing in so quickly" John asked. "Well um the blood moon pack is planning on declaring war with us" Tyler said "What! When" asked John "I don't know when alpha but I but I do know why" he answered. Tyler answer made John frown "then what" he growled "they what the white wolf that is on our territory which is Hannah and because they want more territory" Tyler answered. This got John growling "they will stay away from her." He said he then turned to me "I'm sorry but you are to stay with me in the territory which were I can which you" he growled "What! What about my friends and my mom and school and my moms friend I can't just drop everything and come here I do have a life" I said glaring at him "No!" He growled. I growled back "No! No! Who gave you the right to tell me where I can and can't go. like I said I do have a life" I growled. "How about we come up with a compromise" Kyla said. I stopped growling and soften my look and turned my head to look at her. I sighed "ok what do you think we should do" I asked. She was quiet for a minute thinking "hmm how about you stay here along with me, Tori, your mom, and Jake" Kyla said. "Ok but what about your parents and Tories" I said "they won't care" Tori said. "Ok I'll do it but I drive my Corevette" I said "that's fine" John said And I smiled

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