chapter 43

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Me, Kyla, Paul, and Skyler continue to growl. The sound of running paws continue to grow closer and closer until 5 wolves popped out fur dull and dark with dirt and blood from previous fights you have entered creek moon land leave or state your reasoning here Paul growled haha we leave it is you who should run to your alpha he is the only decent battler one of the rogues said movie forward. I stepped out from behind Skyler I am Hannah the mate of the alpha state what you want for be forced out your choice I snarled. All the rogues laughed your mated to type alpha fat chance girly he would have a more muscular mate not a shrimp like you the leader said moving closer. I snarled making him stop I don't care what you think of me but I do think you have over stayed your welcome please leave I growled ibid agitation and the others growled out with me shrimp I doubt know if you have notice but there is four if you and five of use a rogue said wishing his tail. I wolf giggled over confidence can get you kill wolf remember that you don't need numbers to win a fight just skill and motivation I challenge making the leader growl at me don't challenge me shrimp I'll put you down in about there seconds flat he said once again moving forward I wouldn't that if I were you rogue Paul said his growling growing darker .bh the second oh and your going to stop me he said snarling in Paul's face making Skyler snarl. Kyla and I started growling louder oh look another female and look at its purple strik on its back what you have a color fetus another rogue sneered no but I'll soon like the look of blood if you don't leave Kyla growled darkly you didn't just insult me but my friend and that is not the wisest decision you have made she added. This angered all the other wolves and soon they attacked us Kyla attacked the leader without hesitation as ke and Skyler attacked the two flucky in the back. Paul attacked the second in command I bit the one that I attacked on the shoulder but hw throw me off but I quickly tor back up shocking the rogue then I attacked its throat finishing it. I turned and looked at everyone and saw that Skyler had finished her opponent and Paul and Kyla attacked were struggling with theirs I looked at Skyler and she nodded then we took off I jumped on the leader as Skyler jumped on the second in command. I bit the leaders shoulder making him bowl in pain but he soon throw me off knocking me into a tree knocking the breath out of me but I pushed myself up off the ground growling I saw that Kyla too was getting up off the ground. We looked at each other and nodded I charged at the leader shocking him but he soon recovered taking his attention off of Kyla and pitting it on me. I dove for the throat but he stopped the attack by clawing my head then as soon as I was down he bit my neck making me howl in pain but the with was soon off of me as Kyla throw the leader off then dove for the kill biting his neck until he fell limp. I got up and walked over to her the plan worked that fake out did perfectly I said nudging her with my muzzle yeah but it could have kill you Kyla said turning and looking at me. You could see the blood from her wounds and the enemy blood in her no if I know that you would not help me in time then I would have finished him myself but he was your opponent your to finish not mine I believe in th first battle and frist kill for new wolves I said sitting down plus I rest you with my life I know you would not hate let me down I added making her giggle damn right she said standing I turned and saw that Paul and Skyler were talking so we walked over to them it looks like one of the wolves got away Paul said standing up yeah I saw that I agreed nodded just then John and Tyler ran though the bushes and over to us. John stopped next to me and Tyler next to Kyla they started to check us to see how bad our wound were Daniel and David told us what was your going on we rushed here as fast as we could is everyone ok John asked looking at all of us me and Skyler are ik but I don't know about Hannah and Kyla Paul replied. John turned to me I knew he could smell the blood dripping from my neck in ok I have been better but nothing that can't heal over night Kyla what about you I asked looked her I could smell her blood but not as much as me I'm good just some scratches nothing to bad  Kyla answered. John nodded and turned back Paul asking for an explanation as to what happened and he ace it to John Willingly. Then John growled I see thank you Paul and I'll tell the party to keep an eye put for that other wolf let's go home now John said. We nodded and Paul, Skyler, Tyler and Kyla walked back to the pack house. I started to to walk but John stopped me I can smell the blood were are you hurt at it's pouring out John whimpered. I sighed and layed down knowing what he wanted to do my neck the leader bit my neck I whimpered. John layed next to me and started to lick my neck closing the wound with his saliva that should help with the bleeding it would do you some good to get food inrobyou stomach when we get home John instructed.  Yes I will I replied John licked my head then stood and I followed. We took off to the pack house it came into view shortly after leaving the scene of the fight. I shifted and went in and grabbed an apple and started eating it when Tori and Daniel came down stairs. We sat in the living room as John went to his office and watched cars until Kyla came down with Tyler and Marcus then we started watching if I stay until I fell asleep on the couch.

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