chapter 39

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We arrived at she pack house ten minutes after leaving Davids house. I parked next to the house by my mom's van and the SUV that Skyler was driving parked next to my car. Me and Tori climbed out of the Corevette and walked to the front if the car just In time to see Kyla, Jolene, Daniel, and David along with Skyler get out. I smiled then walked to the front door with the girls. The boys looked at one another then followed I walked onto the house and into the livingroom were I saw John, Marcus, Tyler, and Paul waiting on us. I turned and looked at my friend "please sit we've got a lot to explain" I said motioning to the couch. Both of the boys sat on the couch in infront of me and the girls mates. I sat next to John and Tori sat next to Marcus and Kyla sat next to Tyler. " so what is it that you want to talk about Hannah" David said moving forward alittle. I sighed "will um for one I'm not really human" I said shock was written on Daniel and David faces "than what the hell are you" David said. I gulped "I-I'm a-a werewolf" I said nervously they didn't say anything for a few minutes but it felt like an internty "so your a wolf" Daniel said grinning "um yeah you seem to be taking this well" I said sheepishly "well we already accepted you as for who you are your family to us Hannah and nothing is changing that. Hannah your the best friend that we have week help you with anything even if your not human and a werewolf so tell us the problem" David said smiling. John smiled at the answer they gave. "See a back called the blood moon pack is planning on making a war with this one the moon creek pack and they waky to capture me and the heads if the alpha and beta which happen to be John who is the alpha and Marcus as the beta and we need all the help we can get this wolves well stop at nothing to get want they want" I explaned urgently "John is planning on taking wolves into battle but we need some here to protect the little ones and females that can't battle. I'm going to train you personal along with Tori and Kyla" I said "and I wanted to asked you if you could help like I said I'll train you personally" I added. It was quiet for a little while "we'll do it so what are we going to be learning" Daniel said smirking. John chuckled "you'll learn how to shift first then we'll do teach you how to fight" John said. Both David and Daniel faces held a questionable look making me giggle along with Jolene "see John has a medicine that can temporarily change a human to a werewolf for a few weeks and he has agreed to use I on any humans that wish to change to help in this fight Kyla has already agreed to it but you can choose see Tori does not wish to change so I'm going to teach her close combat moves to help her in a fight" I explaned. Their faces cleared and they soon started smiling "we'll change" David said and Daniel nodded in agreement. I smiled "ok the medicine will be put into your blood stream tonight so that you can change with the half moon to make it easier then in a day or two you'll start training" John said and the boys nodded their head in agreement. We got up and walked to the lab that was head in she basement. A female wolf was fine there who had black hair and she turn and looked at us "hello I'm the medic around here my name is Kaylen and my apprentice Josh should be here soon please lay on the tables over there" Kaylen said pointing to the corner in the back of the basement. David and Daniel along with Kyla walked over to the tables and sat down. Kaylen walked over to them with an injecter and injected the grey substance into them. Then she turn to John "then should start turning in about two hours from now they will be ready for training tomorrow Alpha John but I'm afraid that they will not be under your orders since they are Hannah's friends they will be loyal to her and will only follow her" she said then walked away. I sighed " in sorry John but I'm give them orders to listen to you" I said looking down "that won't be a problem we'll listen because that's what you want" Daniel said smiling. I nodded my thanks then we all left and went outside ti find my mother and get new boyfriend hanging around the van talkin "hey mom Jake what's up" I called. My mom turned and looked at us then smiled "oh nothing really sweety so how is the shifting process going" mom asked "golf they should be changing in about two hours" I said. My mom nodded "let's go get some food I'm hungry" Tyler said walking up to my mom Marcus and Paul agree by nodding. I turned and looked at Skyler, Tori, Kyla and Jolene then started  giggling. The girls started laughing and shaking their heads "boys" Jolene said laughing "that's for shore" Skyler said and Tori and Kyla nodded in agreement. "Ok ok let's go get some food" Kyla said Tyler walked over to Kyla and hugged her as she giggled trying to keep her up from the ground and Marcus did the same for Tori and Skyler got the same treatment from Paul. I walked up to John and grabbed his hand. I could hear Jolene and David whispering to each other and Daniel was with Tori and Marcus. "Let's go in and eat" my mom said walking to the house with Jake.holding her hand. We started following her then we walked into the house and to the Kitchen. I heard rushing footsteps and turn and got crashed into by Emma "your back Luna" Emma said. I.smiled and hugged her "yes little one I'll like you to meet a few friends of mine" I said looking behind me then I picked up the little girl and carried her to David "this little one is David he is like a brother to me" I said. Emma smiled and hugged David from my arms shocking the poor man. She pulled appear and I walked over to Daniel who was talkin ti Jolene "and this is Jolene and Daniel. Jolene is David girlfriend and they are my best friends" I said Emma hugged them too and I giggled at the look on their faces. That's when I heard my mom call from the kitchen saying dinner was ready. I walked in a found food in the dinning room I moved and put Emma in a seat next to mine after I got Emma down I sat next to her and john next to me. After everyone was seated we started eating and holding a conservation with everyone.
   Two hours later we were outside with Kyla and the boys waiting for the moon to come out. The moon came out and I shifted along with Tyler and John. I sat dawn next to Daniel and John was next to David and of course Tyler was next to Kyla. I started to see Daniel shake from the process and he started to shift I looked over at everyone else to see that they were doing the same. I heard bones brake from the shifting this made me turn and look at Daniel worriedly but all I saw was a black wolf about a tall as a human then I looked at the others. David was a wolf as well his fur color was rustic looking and Kyla was white with a purple stirk from the back of her head to her tail tip. Then we all howled to the moon.

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