chapter 29

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After packing the bags that we all need for the day me and the girls walked outside. "Ok so are we walking or running or taking one of the SUV" Tori asked. I know what one she want to do "un car" I said and Tori frowned.I then turned to Kyla "you can ride front Skyler Tori and Emma can ride in the back" I said "ok" Kyla said. We all got in to the car and I started to drive us there. When we got there talk of us not out.I walked over and shifted into my white wolf and Skyler and walked to me "changing" she asked yes and I'm not changing back until I talk to Beranna i said lying dawn on the ground. Skyler nod and walked to the creek edge and sat down to put her feet in the water. Emma and the girls jumped into the water add were splashing one another seeing who would surrender first. I sniffed to see if Ber was in the wood but smelled nothing. after awhile I started to small a scent coming from the same way she left a few days ago just then a light brown wolf came out of now were I'm sorry I had to get away but the alpha is going to try and make a war with this pack. He wants you and he wants land and he well kill for it too see two wolves went against him this morning and he executed them then ordered that we attack this land in four days tops and bring the heads of the alpha and beta of this pack Her said urgently. I started growling thank you Ber you have been the most of helpful I can't let you go back there. I want you to go to one of the protrols team them that the Luna has offered for you to stay here until the alpha come home. I'll talk to my mate about letting you stay here or to return you to your pack after a good alpha has been made I said and tell them if they have any question to come see me here at the creek I added. Her nodded her head then took off to the borders. I shifted to my  human form then ran and jumped into the water splashing Skyler then I grabbed Tori and duncked her in the water. When she popped up she glared at me before grabbing my arms then I felt somthing at my feet and then when I looked down I saw Kyla and Emma grabbing my legs they all dragged me under the water. When they let me come up I glared at all of them if the busted out laughing Skyler later gotten and splashed Emma. We played in the water for another few minutes until I got hungry and we had lunch. "So Tori I got some news" I said excitedly. Tori looked at me "what that your a werewolf I got that one" she joked "nope mom may have a boyfriend tonight her and Jake went on a date today" I said. Tori spitted out her food "you got to be joking right are you serious right now that's wonderful" Tori said excitedly Kyla stated jumping up and down in happiness. "I told her I told her she would find some one yes YESS" Kyla yelled making me and the others laugh "well come on we need to go add fined out things. So we need to leave so we can be ready for so juice details" Kyla said grabbing our hands and dragged us to the car Skyler and Emma followed.

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