chapter 32

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I heard the guys behind me as we ran. I stopped just by the creek when I heard something following us.  Boys do you hear that I asked looking over my shoulder. They stopped behind me yes it seems that we are being followed. You go on ahead will hold who ever it is off Tyler said. No I font small any wolves I said. I turned to face the noise then I sniffed. It was a human scent it smelled like chocolate and mint. I walked closer to the small the looked over the bush to see. Jolene she looked up at me I could small the fear rolling off of her in waves. I layed down on the ground and lower my head and whimper to show I was not a threat. Hannah what are you doing your submitting but you the luna Marcus said walking closer to me don't move. The reason I'm doing this is because Jolene is my friend and she needs to understand that I'm not going to hurt her. She is scared and lost you two go to the pack house now there is problems that need to be address and John will be home soon along with my mother so go I got this I said. I crawled closer to Jolene she looked at ne in fear but held her hand out and touched me. I started to purr in a wolf kinda way. Jolene stood up and walked to me no long fearing me. "Your bigger then a normal wolf what are you" she asked. I felt dread sink into me as I smelled the air I could small wolves entering the territory and they were heading this way meaning I have to tell her what I am in order to get her to trust me. I whimpered as I stood up "what's wrong are you hurt" she asked I hufted no but I'm afraid of what to say to you Jolene I whimper she looked at me in surprise "you can talk that's cool so what is your name" she asked me. I believe you know that one my friend but you would not know in this form let me show you I whispered. I then shifted to my human form. I looked at Jolene stood as she looked at me in complete shock "H-Hannah but h-how, w-what" she studded stumbling back "yes Jolene it's me and I'm kinda a shape-shifter or what you call a werewolf" I said. I then heard growling from behind her so I shifted to my wolf form I know that's look evil but trust me please. I was always your friend and still am if you'll let me but right now get behind me or up a tree right now a fight is coming I said narrowed my brown eyes. She nodded and jumped into a tree and started to climb up and she sat on a branch that was far from the ground. I growled as three wolves came out one was a light grey. The other was a rusty looking wolf and the one next to it was white and black. They growled at me as one jumped onto my back I insultly throw him off then attacked the black and white one because I since the evil power coming off of him telling me he was the corrupted beta. I bit him on him shoulder as he throw me off and into a tree then he snapped at my paws making me yelp. I then bumped him back making him crash into the ground he rolled over making my attack less effective  then lunged for my throat but I stopped him by clawing his stomach and biting his muzzle making him howl in pain a release me. He then took off running along with the other wolves who were trying to get to Jolene who was to high for them. Jolene jumped down to the bottom of the tree after the wolves left "stupid wolf thinking he could take you ha you should have seen him" Jolene who said smirking. I smiled so am I accepted to you Jolene I asked fearing she say no "yes you just saved me and you never ever let me believe your jot trust worthy your my friend and like a sister to David" she said turning to me  and my smile grew. So do you need help I can give you a ride to my place or to David's I offered "I'll go to David's I was suppose to meet him about an hour ago but I got lost" Jolene i said. Hop on I'll take you over to him and Jolene i don't tell him please I'm begging you I want to tell him when I'm ready please I begged whimpering as I layed on the ground. "Of course" she said hopping onto my back I started running in the opposed of the pack house. After about five to two minutes I was at David house at the edged of the woods be careful and for the next few night try and be more cautious then normal I said. She nodded then walked to the door I turn just as she went in and I started to return home.

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