chapter 17

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I heared a growl come from the bushes and my blood ran cold. I shifted and smelled the air. This was defiantly a different wolf an enemy most likely damnit Hannah you should have let me died Skyler said growling. This made me growl no your my friend and your a mother it was worth it I growled really what well the alpha do if your dead she said revenge and then move on that is what I would want him to move forward I said standing strong. I was the ground by a light brown wolf with a black one looking at Emma. He then advanced to her no Emma run I yelled as I throw off the light brown wolf. I ran over to the black wolf taking him to the ground but because I was weak from the event before he throw me off with ease. The black wolf then bit into my neck. I howled in pain but the weight was thrown off of me I stood to see a cream color wolf attacking the black one Skyler your not done healing yet I growled no but I won't let you get killed because of me she growled back as she jumped on another wolf I'm done with this I snapped. I jumped attacking the black wolf hitting him on his hide leg then I attacked his neck. The black wolf howled in pain but bit my side and scratched my stomach but I didn't release him don't come back I growled as I release him. He took off running to the border I'm sorry for my alpha my name Berannia but call me Ber I'll keep in touch about his plans. Please come back here in about two days and I'll tell you more on what's going on she said then took off. I then fell to the ground tired. Hannah stay with me Emma stay with her I'll go get help then I heared paw running "please be ok luna please" I hear Emma I'll -be- -fine- -little one I said in between whimpers I heared paw paws running again "Paul, Skyler " Emma yell. Paul can you carry her Skyler said yes I'm sorry I wasn't with you Skyler I'm the worse he whimper not- -the worse- - the best - - because you- - love her I breathed Hannah don't worry were going to help you Skyler said. All I could do was whimper. Then next thing I know was that I was bring lifted into the air "don't worry we got you" paul whisper oh alpha Johns going to be soo pissed when he sees her Skyler whimper "Emma ride on Skyler and go head to warn the doc" Paul said. I heared paws taking off "Hannah thank you for saving Skyler I'm forever in your debt" he said walking you- are welcome-but she is -my-friend too I won't lose her over-my problem I whimpered "I know and I'll do everything to help you and Skyler plus Emma" Paul said sternly you-care- -for them both- -don't you I whisper "yes I love them both Emma is like my own child I'll protect her with my life just like Skyler I'm glad I have meet you Hannah you have shown me that you can do more with family then protect you need to love them but they need you to stay with me" he said worried. After walking for another 20 minute we get to the pack house I was rushed into an emergency room of the pack house "now miss luna I'm going to have to put you to sleep" the doctor said. I felt a prick then I felt very tired but before I total fell asleep I heard john run in "what happened" was all I heard then I was out.

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