chapter 22

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Kyla opened the door to her and Tyler share. I walked in and sat on the giant bed in there "ok Skyler your first" Kyla said walking to a closet that held the dress. She pulled it out to bad Skyler gasped it was a creamy yellow color with thin straps and it long in the back and short in the front. It also had right blue gems on the shoulders on the straps. "Is it ok if not I could run and get another" Kyla said. Skyler was shocked I could see it on her face "no no it perfect" she gasped. I nodded my head "I'm glad because Hannah picked this one" Tori said taking the dress from Kyla "that I did" I said standing. "It's beautiful thank you" she said running up ti me hugging me "your welcome" I giggled. I then pushed her off of me "we need to get ready" I said grabbing my sky blue dress and walked into the bathroom. I changed into it after taking my clothes off. I walked out and found that Skyler had all ready changed. Tori ran to the bathroom changing into her pale green dress. After Tori ,Kyla  changed into her black staples dress. When we all we're in our dress we put make make up on as Skyler started to do our hair "an the final touch. . . . . there" she said when I was done. I got up and Kyla who was the last took my place in the chair. After a good ten minutes she was done with all of us and we exited the room to the stairs. I started walking down then. As I looked up to see the livingroom I saw John, Marcus, Tyler, and Paul with a scold on his face. "Wow love you look good" John said to me as he asked to down the final stair by giving me his hand "thank you and you look good yourself" I said blushing and hugged me. I turn to se Tori coming down then turn to see Marcus face held the one of shock. He walked out over to Tori and helped her down just like John did with me. "You look beautiful like a gem" he said with awe in his voice.Tori smiled at him then turn to see Kyla following in her foot steps. I heard a gasped and turned to see were it came from and saw Tylers mouth open. This made me and Kyla giggle. Tyler help Kyla down just like John did for me and Marcus for Tori. I looked up at the stairs waiting for Skyler to come down. She final decide to come down and she looked breath taking walking down the stairs. Me and John did looked at Paul who had a wide open mouth. He walked over to Skyler helping her by taking her hand. When he did he kissed it "y-y-you look stunning Skyler love may I take you to thus dance" he asked. His jester made her blush. "Yes you may" she said smiling. John pulled me to the door and out to a SUV that was parked out there. The bonus help the girls in the back as the slide in next to them. John opened the passenger door for me and helped me in he then close the door. He walked over to the driver side. He started the engine and drive to the school.

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