chapter 37

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Wrong came to a room that looked like a battle field then John turned to me this is were i'll test you so get ready we begin now John said turning to face me. Marcus and Tyler backed up and Tori and Kyla got off the boys and sat down obliterate the ground and the boys layed at their feet. I looked back at John and growled and he growled back. John then suddenly jumped at me but I dodged his attack by jumping over him and land behind him in the same spot were he left. John the turned and charged again but u meet him half way by running at him and putting him over with my head but he got up with ease and tackles me to the ground. He had me pin but I pushed him with my back legs throwing him off of me and to the ground. Then I stood and pin him to the ground then lowered my head to his neck and licked it I win I said smiling oh really it's not that easy John said smirking he then throw me off of him and I hit the wall. I yelped in surprise but just as he was about to make hum final move I dodged his attack by rolling away then I stood and face him  its not that easy to defeat me John I growled. John growled back then charged but I dodged and jumped onto his back making him fall ti the ground from the impacted pressure. He growled and tried to throw me but I held firm then I licked his neck again just give up I got you I said narrowing my eyes would you in the same problem he asked narrowing his eyes to of course not but I do know when I've been bested as well I said growling showing that I was not backing down you do make a point touche he chuckled this made me pause and eyebrow your in a bad situation and your laughing I said yes but your right you win fine you can battle if need John said. I smiled then got off of him and sat down infront of him ik you can started training the family that need it and any friend that want to help can John said getting up then .ge walked over to Marcus and Tyler I'll put you in charge of helping I smiled the wolf combat training for the males and females he added to the silver and dark brown wolves. They dipped their heads the stood up with Tori and Kyla on their backs. They ran out back to the pack house then John turned to me I got to go and do border protrols and I need to get the wolves ready for battle please be careful I love you John said then he took off back to the pack house. I sat down ti wait for Tori and Kyla to return for training. A cream color wolf entered into the training room with both if my friend a few minutes after John left what do we do now Skyler asked. Thus made me smile we find help and train them and I gotherwise a few people in mind I said this made Kyla and Tori giggled "I got a feeling I know who too" Tori said and Kyla nodded in agreement. I nodded and Tori climbed into my back and Kyla on Skyler then we ran ti the pack house. We got into my green and black Corevette and a SUV and drove to the first house of my friends.. . . Daniel's

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