chapter 27

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I looked at Jake"wow really" I said shocked. "Yeah your mother is the most amazing person I meet and i want to be with her make her happy" Jake said. I looked at the salad then back ay him "well if your asking for my blessing then you got it long time ago I always thought you two would get together" I said smiling. Jake smiled at me "I'm glad I'm going to ask her out tomorrow" he said putting The food on the plate. "Well you better take her to dinner" I order. He chuckled "of course it will be a romantic dinner I hope you don't mind being alone tomorrow" he asked. "No of course not you have fun tomorrow" I smiled. He nod his head. We grabbed the trays and walked back to the dinning room. I sat next to mom and Jake on the other side. So as we started eating mom started a conversation " Hannah babie when is John coming home again" mom asked. I stopped eating and set my fork down "in about a day or two why" I asked "oh because of tomorrow I'm going with Jake so i didn't know what you would be doing" she whispered. I giggled "I'm going with Skyler and Paul tomorrow on patrol and then I'm going to see Emma and we will probably play until you come home" I said smiling. Mom looked at me " won't be alone then. Because I was going to reconsider if you were going to be alone" she said looking at the food "no go with him I believe you will have the time of your life that I promise" I laugh and turn To see Jake mouthing 'thank you'  and I nodded my head. "Ok tour going to have to help me get ready" she said. I looked her "yes ma'ma I'll be at your room with Skyler at 8:00" I said and she nod. We finished dinner and I took off to the office. I grabbed a phone and called John but nobody answer. I sighed then headed to bed. I lay down and listen to the outside world. After about an hour I couldn't fall asleep I walked to Tori room and knocked. Tori answered and looked at me "Hannah what are you doing here at this time Marcus is asleep." Tori said "Would you and Kyla want to stay with me I'm lonely and I can't sleep" I asked. "Sure I'll just get my phone" she said running to grab her phone
We then walked to Kyla room and knocked she answered and asked the same thing "do you waky to stay with us I can't sleep because I'm lonely so I thought we could all get together" I said. Tori nodded her head in agreement "sure let me get my phone too" she said running back in the room. She came out and we all went to my room. We sat in the bed and talked about the day and about the past in our lives until. And then watched a movie until we all fell asleep on the bed.

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