chapter 41

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Me and Tori arrived at the waterfall about 20 minutes after leaving the training arena. None of the other were there telling me that they we're still getting the others it looks like that John is still getting the others I said laying down to let Tori off "yeah well I'm not waiting for them I'm going in" Tori said. She then took of her shirt and pants and underneath was a bikini it was silver with black strips on them. She then jumped into the water making a big splash. I got up and walked to the edge of the pool in my wolf form good one Tor looks like fun I said sitting down. Tori popped up from the water "thanks but why don't you get in" Tori asked raising an eyebrow. I need to stay on guard until the guys come I can't hear the well in the water and I'll be more prepared if we are attacked in my wolf form I explaned. Tori nodded in understanding the dove back into the water just as Tori came back up a truck pulled up with Daniel and David in the back in wolf form the shifted and jumped out of the truck. Kyla and Jolene climb out of the truck wearing bathing suite. Marcus and Tyler ran up from behind the truck in wolf form but shifted and was now wearing swim trunks. John jumped out of the truck and walked over to me "I got you a bathing suite I thought you'll like to go swimming for a little bit" he said handing me a one piece bathing suite. Well thank you John I'll just go change but no peeking I said playfully growling this made John smirk "would never dreamed of it" he said playfully growling back. I grabbed the bathing suite and went into the woods. I shifted and took off my clothes and put the bathing suite on I then walked out from the woods and saw john talking to the guys and all the girls were in the water even Skyler and Emma telling me that they just got here. I ran and jumped into the watermaking a big splash when I surfaced I was tackled back under. I looked at the face and saw that it was Kyla and Emma. We surfaced and I playfully growled making them giggle then I started to chase them "nana you came get us" Kyla taunted them Emma stuck her tongue out at me teasing me more. "Oh really lets see about that" I called chuckling evilly I then swam over to Skyler, Jolene ,and Tori "can you help me get them" I asked referring Kyla and Emma. Then nodded and we broke up into groups of two me and Tori went behind Kyla and Emma and Skyler and Jolene went under them. "I'm coming for you Kyla" Tori walked making me giggle just as we grabbed there foots Skyler and Jolene popped out and ducked them. Emma and Kyla popped up after that and splashed them both making all of us laugh. We then started loading sharks and mino and when we got bored of that game we played Marco polo until John called me. I swam over to John at the edge of the pool "we need to start training again I think Daniel and David are ready and Kyla needs to practice more and so does Tori" John said. I nodded and climbed out with his help "Tori we need to go back to training please meet me on the hill" I called me over my shoulder then ran back to the woods and changed to my daily clothes. I walked back and found John walking to his truck "were are you going" I asked walking over to him "we're going back to the training area why" he said. I sighed "I think that it would be beneficial if they train out here in the woods so they can get use to the surrounding area" I suggested. John was quiet for a few minutes but then nodded. I turned to Kyla and saw that she was back in her white with purple strick wolf form and Skyler shifted to her cream colored wolf and took off into the woods. Jolene tor out and walked to me "were did everyone go" she asked "oh I'm sorry they all left for training I'm about to go up on that hill and train with Tori so if you hear gun shots no need to worry unless one hits of course it's from Tori and if you need me call me I can hear up all the way up there you can just hang out here do some sun bathing" I said explaining everything. Jolene nod and walked to the truck and grabbed a towel and layed dawn next to it and started relaxing. I smiled and walked up the hill and meet Tori who was already practicing her shooting but missing every time. "Ugh why do I keep missing it I made it in the training room stupid trees I can't get a clear shot" Tori growled out in frustration. I sighed and shook my head "itsunami not the trees you distracted just clear your mind and relax and become ing with the tech. Once you do that Tue shot is yours" I said walking iphone to her. Tori jumped and looked at me "oh I guess I do have a lot on my mind thank you Hannah" Tori said turning back to her gun. She made the next four shots telling me she got the shooting down. "Ok it looks like your doing good in your shooting so let's work on your martial arts and tomorrow after a few practice shots and close combat warm up then weak work on knife throwing and if I got enough time I'll like to teach you how to use the woods to your advantage" I said explaining tomorrow's plans. Tori nodded and we started wearing on her martial arts I showed her some more moves and she practice shots them until she had them and the previous ones down. "It looks like your learning the lives faster then I thought and that's good so let's continue with a practice battle" I said getting into fighting position. Tori charged at me trying to do a round house kick but I showed it with my hand the jumped back shocking Tori but she recovered and attacked me again our I was to fast and jumpers up then kicked her knocking her down "I win you need to analyse your opponent if not you'll not know what is coming your timing was off you need to slow dawn a little" I said helping her up from the ground. Tori nodded "ok" she said dusting off her pants I nodded "I think that's enough for one the sun is starting to set so we need to get out if here the boys should be back here soon" I said yawning. Tori nodded tired and we both walked to the truck and found Jolene in it. I giggled along with Tori. Just then the boys came out looking like the dogs chased them around for food. Then Skyler and Kyla came out looking tired as well "looked like training killed everyone bot just us" I point out Daniel growled out playfully and John growled in annoyance making me giggle "jump in the back grumpy ill drive" I said walking to the driver side and climbed in and started the engine just then Skyler, Kyla, and Tori climb onto the truck with me and Jolene then I drive back to the back house after all the wolves were in the back of the truck.

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