chapter 35

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I ran to Tori room first after reaching the top of the stairs. I knocked on her door and after a few minutes Kyla answered. "Can I come in I got some news on the combat lessons" I said "of course come on in" Kyla said opening the door wider. I nodded and walked in I looked around the room when I entered The wall was grey like the color of Marcus fur with a blue bed cover on the bed. Tori was sitting on the bed next to Marcus and Tyler was on the floor infront of it. I walked to a chair next to the bed "Hannah what's up I heard that you somthing about the combat lessons what did alpha John say" Tori asked this made Marcus raise an eyebrow along with Tyler "oh he said that I cam train you in combat and that he'll use the wolf temporarily medicine on who ever that wishes to help but I have to train them" I said. I then heard a growl and looked at Marcus and Tyler who was now standing glaring at me "they will not be fighting in the battle I refuse to let Kyla get hurt in battle" Tyler growled and Marcus growls in agreement earning them a smack on the head "I know that y'all be worried but rest me and Tori we can do this why do you think Hannah wants to train us even if you left us here what if some of the enemy got through nobody will be here to defend the house so either way we would have to learn how to fight" Kyla said and Tori nodded in agreement "we never said that we were fighting but we do need to be prepared" Tori added glaring at Marcus. "Fine but I'm watching the training" Marcus said. I smiled "you'll like it because John wants to spear with me first thing in the morning" I said smirking. Both of the boys looked at me as if I was dead "your done John is one of the best fighters in the land" Tyler said shocked. I giggled "and you think just because I've been injured that I can't fight good I have been the ing to help in border protrols and fighting with rogue wolves I think I can handle my own" I said. Then nodded then I stood "I need to go good evening everyone I'll talk to you first thing in the morning love Kyla and Tori" I said and they replied with a I love you before I closed the door. I then walked to the office and opened it and saw John working on paper work. I walked over to the couch and sat down then grabbed my phone and started reading a book as my beautiful mate continue to work.

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