chapter 42

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It has been a few days since the training has started and everything has gone good both Daniel and David are battling like pro along with Kyla. Tori is like a ninja in the armed combat and close combat. She was still a little ruff in her knife throwing but nothing that can't be fixed with time but I keep fearing that time was running low. I walked to the show and took one and changed into my daily clothes then walked down stairs and see my min with Jake making me smile happy to see my mom finally happy with some one other then me. "Good morning mom, Jake" I greeted making them look at me "morning babe were are you going this morning" Mom asked eyeing my clothes knowing if I didn't have school I was not getting dressed this early "I have to go to the training area and pick up Tori and the boys I'll be training them both Today since John is busy trying rally some wolf warriors" I explaned walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple. I flushed it in about three minutes then walked to the front door "well be carful and I love you see you at dinner" mom said waving at me "love you too and I will bye mom" I said smiling as I throw my hand over my shoulder then walked out the front door shifting into my white wolf. I started running to the training area.
    After a good ten minutes I arrived. I walked in and found he boys sparing with each other and Tori was throwing knives at the target but missed and Kyla was training with Skyler but Paul was with her. I smiled Paul was has been helping with the trainees more and more lately. I walked to Tori "still can't get it hum. Let's try and breath before you shot the knife and think of were the target will be not were it is at" I said. Tori nodded and started breathing in and out trying to calm her self. See then brow the dagger and made it. Seeing this made me smile "I did it I did it" Tori shouted jumping up and down making me giggle "yeah just practice for a few for minutes then I want you to try it out side in the woods try hitting the middle of the tree trunk" I instructed. Tori nodded and started to practice and I turn and looked at the boys and shifted and walked over to them you have been training really well but some advice when you attack an enemy wolf they and go for the paws they'll jump back whimpering giving you enough time to tackle them stopping them from hurting you or your fellow wolf's I advice ok but what if the wolf doesn't do that David asked then you know who you babbling like a beta or omega or worse an alpha and if yin happen to be battling an alpha I want you to howl for help alpha a extremely hard to battle and are more then cable to rip you appear doubt be a hero and battle the leader please you may be helping me but I don't want you killed I said in a whisper. They both nodded then went back to training.

   We finished training for the day and we started walking home Paul and Skyler were infront of us and Tori was on my back with Kyla beside me and Daniel and David were behind me. "Hannah do you know what the battle plan is" Tori asked no I don't but I think John said that me you and Kyla beside are to stay at the house and protect the little ones I answered as I continue to walk "I see then why does John have us training" she then asked he wishes to prepare you just in case some of the wolves that we'll be attack by get by then  he knows that we can protect ourselves I explaned "I see" Tori said. Paul and Skyler stopped and started growling we seem to have some visitor Paul growled to me .ni sniffed the air then I smelled some wolves smiling our why and they her not our wolves smell like rogue to me not blood moon I said laying down scaring Tori "Hannah what's going on" she shouted Kyla started to growl I smell them too she said. I nodded Daniel and David take Tori and get out of here go to the oaccj house tell John I said. Ok come on Tori Daniel said laying on the ground to let her on his back "why if this is what you've been training me for" Tori argue making me growl even more because they were getting closer because I didn't train you to battle ravited wolves smiling they are a whole lot different please go I said. Tori reluctantly nodded and climbed into Daniel and held onto his black fur as he took off. I turn and growled along with Skyler, Paul, and Kyla.

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