chapter 26

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We walked into the movie theater "mom I'll pay this time just tell me what movie you want to see I know I said furious 8 but I think you should choose" I said. My mom started to think after awhile "how about furious 8 I heard that it was a good movie from Skyler when Paul took her plus you want to see it so a win for all of us" Mom said. I nodded "how about you Jake" I asked "its fine with me what ever your mother wants is good with me" he said. "Okee" I said I then walked up to the clerk "three furious 8 tickets please" I said. She nod her head and then hand me my tickets and I held the money out to her which she accept. "Well I'm off yo buy the snacks girls. Why don't you get the seats" Jake said walking to the popcorn stand. I looked at me mom and she looked at me then we started to giggle. After we went thought ticket check we walked to the theater room that was hosting our movie. Jake walked in ten minutes before the movie started.
    2 hours later
We walk out of the movie theater laughing "that was a good choose and the look on Brian's face was correct" I giggled. Jake shook his head "no no the one about Roman was hilarious he screams like a girl" Jake chuckled and I nodded my head in agreement "ok what one was funny but what about the one were Jack was playing withbhis sister that was just cute" Mom said giggling. We got into the van and she started it up "that was cute mom and the sing just made me wanna cry it truly touched me" I said calming down. We pulled out of the parking lot "well let's get back to the pack house girl and I'll make dinner" Jake said. "I'll help Jake" I said and he nod his head.
    We got to the pack house shortly after leaving the theater. Me and Jake walked into the kitchen "alright um you make the sides and I'll do the main coarse" Jake said "ok tell me what it is so I know what side to go with it" I said he took out a pack of chicken "spicy chicken with a sauce" he said. "Ok then the sides will be a salad and peas with carrot" I said. He nodded and I started to go to work on the sides. I cut the carrots and saltay them then added the peas with some salt and pepper and it was done. The salad was easy too and I finished it quickly "Hannah um I need to ask you somthing" Jake said breaking the silence in the room "ok shoot" I said. I could small the fear rolling off of him 'come on the man fought fires for a living and he is scared to ask me something grow some balls man' I throught "um how would you feel if I asked your Mom out" he asked.
I know that I don't post many things sorry for that.
   I hope you all are enjoying my story. I had some problems with it but its good now
   Please check out my other story's please.

Please tell me what you think of my story so far. There is more so enjoy.

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