chapter 19

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After we both stopped laugh I looked at everyone "Hannah love who attacked you and young Skyler" asked John. I turned and looked at him he had tthat said 'you better tell me'. I sighed then explained what happen sometimes Emma would say something. I left out the part about what Paul and said. As I finished I could see angered and sad faces. "I'm going to rip him apart" growled John. This made everyone look at him "that won't help Hannah now John we need to be here for her until she is healed" paul said. I looked around "I think I'm ok now so can I get up" I said looking at everyone "ain't you sore from that fight earlier" Emma said "yeah but there is a wolf that I need to meet with she is giving me information about the Blood Moon pack" I said "oh but your going shopping with me and Tori for our dance dress" Kyla said. I nodded my head getting up "I'm going to send Skyler with you for protection" John said getting up "I'm going on patrol with a group to see were you and Skyler were attacked at I'll be gone for about two or three hours I'll see you soon my love" John said leaving. I turned to Emma "you want to come too because I'll need some opinion on my dress so I'll need your help" I similed "really can I go with Skyler" Emma asked. Skyler looked at me then at Tori and Kyla "yes you can I think it's a good idea anyway" she replied smiling. This made Emma very happy to the point that she was jumping up and down with excitement. "Ok I'm going to get dress so we can go" I said getting up. I walked to the bathroom to just see a pair of clothes for me to change into. I changed and walked out to see that everyone was waiting. "Ok I'm ready to go" I simile "um Skyler why don't you take the truck or the van and I'll take the corvette" I said and she nodded. Me and Tori climbed into the corvette and Kyla and the others climb into the truck next to the car. We drove down the drive way and onto the road. I drove for about an hour and a half. I pulled up into a dress shop and a truck pulled next to me and we climb out. Me and the girls walked into the store looking at all the dresses in awe.

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