chapter 4

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      I ran after the silver wolf with Tori gipping my white fur. After running for about twenty minute we got to the pack house. The silver wolf turned and left leaving me and Tori outside. A young man with sapphire eyes .and blue jeans with a plaid shirt and boots walked out. "My name is John your friend Kyla is going to be just fine our pack doctor is with her now please shift" John said Tori climb off my back as I shifted into my human form. "Thank you now come with me to my office" John said turning and leaving I turned to Tori "call mom tell her what happen and that we won't be home for a few days" I said "of course now go i'll be with Kyla" she said. I nodded turning and leave following the alpha to his office.
      As we went up the stair I trip falling hitting my wound making me gasp in pain but I quickly got myself together 'focus Hannah' I thought. As I walked into the office with alpha John at his disk "good your here sit please" he said. I sat putting my hands on my laps "you wish to see me alpha John" I said "yes what you talked alpha Ryo is that true" he asked eyeing me "yes it was I can explain for me being on your territory as well" I said looking down at my feet "there is no need I've know you were on the territory sense you moved here I allow you to stay because you were no threat and you checks some of the borders" he said "I see thank you" I said looking at him but then felt something wet hit my shoulder sniff I remember my bit wound making me gasp "I small that you are bleeding let see" he said. He walked over to me looking at me neck "he got you good" he said growling then he saw bruise on my arm "he had no right" John growled "it's nothing really i'll be fine" I said looking at an angry alpha "no I'll fix you up" he said. He walked over to his disk pulling out a frist aid kit. He came back over analyzing my neck. He wiped the blood away with a paper towel. He then grap the ointment putting it on his fingers then applying it to my neck. At that moment I felt a shocking sensation go throught my body then i hear the words in my head saying mate.

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