chapter 6

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      "Your mate is the sandy color wolf that save us" Tori asked yes little one I said laying down again Alpha John wow I would never in a million years think that he would find a mate this soon Skyler said laying down next to me but what's the problem I think he would love you your nice, kind, strong, a leader, and loving who would not like you Skyler said eyeing me you would be surprise at who hates me and who cares for me I whimper looking at her who would hate you Skyler asked " her father and his family and her mom's best friend" Tori said petting me again well that is their lost so tell me what happened with your father Skyler said ok I will I said. Sitting up I started my story
       Move 'no I won't let you hurt anyone anymore' I yelled ' you witch I will kill you' William screamed running at me like a charging rino hitting me in my shoulder dislocating it making me whimper in pain but I ignore it grabbing William by the arm throwing him across the table into the living room 'your a monster' he yelled 'no one will ever love you everyone will hate you' he yelled charging at me again 'so what you hated me my whole life what will that change' I said. I throw him out of the house taking my mom's phone 'don't come back because your the monster' I yelled slamming the door in his face.
       Three mouths later I was walking home with my two bestes when I see a white peepee cruser in my yard. We walked in to find my mom talkin to a woman 'oh Hannah this is Susie she was one of your fathers friends she is helping me move you fathers stuff out of the house' my mom said walking to me with that woman behind her.
      When we went to her house to spend the weekend with her. One night she pull me aside 'you need to stop leaving at night because you stressing your mom out is going to kill her you will put her six feet in the ground' she growled at me 'how dare you said that I'm kill my mom do you know what pain I when through way I leave at night you have no right to judge me when you don't know what I do now I'll say this don't ever talk ti me unless it is a life and death problem' I growled. I grabbed my phone a called Tori to come and get me.
End of flashback
     I turned and looked at Skyler and Tori. This did not surprise Tori she was there she know everything as did Kyla and my other friend the only thing is that my other friend don't know was that I can shift but they will find out soon enough. But Skyler was complete shocked no reason your worried your afraid of rejection she said standing up nizzling me. "Hannah just talk to him" Tori said ya me and Paul fought before getting to together and look at me and he is no nice guy well excerpt with me of course Skyler said. Ok let's go I think we need to talk with Kyla about this to and Skyler you can join us your in are little group of friends now I said letting Tori climb into my back and running back to the pack house.

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