chapter 10

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We arrived at the hideout. It was beautiful with a mini waterfall and a river. John shifted and sat on the rock near the waterfall. I walked up to him and nizzled him. He looked at me and started to pet me making me purr in pleasure. After about three minute of him petting me I layed down on the ground next to him. I'm sorry for making you upset about me leaving to talk with Tori and one of your members I need some advice I said "what advice did you need from your friends" he asked about the mate thing and how you felt about me I said. John shifted his glaze so he was looking at me "so this is the part were you rejected me" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice. I started to chuckle which is weird for a wolf no silly I was not going to reject you but I do understand if you reject me I am an outsider I don't live with a pack and I never did so if you reject me I completely understand plus I'm white which is weird for most wolves I said "what me reject you what or who on gods beautiful earth would do that" he said and I turned to look at the waterfall more people then you think Alpha John I whimpered "What? Who hurt you darling" he growled a little passive are we now I chuckled "uh maybe now speck I have all day" he said moving next to me putting one of his arms around my neck well my father and my mothers best friend they hate me and I hate them both I said. I started telling my story to John and when I finished he had a look of a killer please it's fine really William is in jail and Susie well not bother me I promise I pleaded. His eyes cleared going from gold to blue talling me he was calm again. "Good because if they hurt a hair in you again I won't hesitant to kill them both" he growled.

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