chapter 15

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I awake early that morning so that I could get ready for school. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After I took my shower I put on my school clothes and tiptoed down the stairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As I went into the kitchen I notice that the light were on. I walked in to see Jake "hey what you doing up this early" I asked. He jumped two feet "oh um well one I thought you would like breakfast for school and I was getting ready for work at the station" he said shaken I chuckled "well thank you but are you taking anyone with you to work you know because of the pack thing and all" I said "yeah taking a girl name Skyler" he said "I know her very helpful so I'm glad but please be careful" I whispered. "I well" he said waiting out the door to his truck with Skyler in it. I eat my breakfast fast just as I was about done Kyla, Tori came walking down the stairs. "Good morning girls ready for school" I said standing "oh Hannah you scared us and yeah we are just got to eat something" they said. I nodded my head. They completed their breakfast fast. I wrote a note telling John that we left for school and that we will see them later. We got into my car and drove to school when we got there. There was nobody there just some students. I notice that David, Tiffany,Danial, and Jolene were there. We walked over to them and started talking. "Hey Hannah how Is everyone" asked Tiffany "good nothing bad has happened but if you know me that's not going to last long" I chuckled "yeah if you think washing stuff animals is a crime" she laughed "it is" I protested."oh don't forget about the dance" Tiffany said. "Oh I total forgot thanks Tif. your the best" I giggled. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump until I smelled my another friend. "Hey Hannah how's my little sis" David asked "um good but I got someone you well want to meet soon" I studdered "oh really who he" he asked "his name John and he is special to me" I said "ok but I want to meet him" David said and Denial nodded in agreement. I shook my head that's when the bell rang saying that class was about to begain. "So many class thank god chorus is my first class" I whispered "yeah I'll have agree with you except the chorus part" David said. With that we all parted say well see each other at lunch.

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