chapter 3

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Kylaa I yelled the black wolf jumped off of Kyla and attacked Tori but I jumped infront of her letting the black wolf attack me "Hannah" Tori yelled grab. . . go. . .to the hill. . .i got this I said between attacks. Me and the black wolf rolled as he bit my neck but I shake him off "Hannah there's more" Tori yelled. I backed away from the black one turned and look to see three wolves walking to my friends 'dmanit' I throught. I turned to look at the black wolf attacking it biting its neck making it whimper. It knock me into a tree taking my breath away tori are you ok I asked "yes but Kylas side is bleed she needs a doctor and the wolves are getting closer" she yelled at that I jumped up attacking the black wolf knocking him into the creek. I ran up the hill growling at the three enemy wolves warning them. Before they could attack me a sandy color wolf jumped infront of of me growling Stop said a male voice. Four more wolves came out walking infront of Tori and Kyla who was still bleeding on the ground where is you alpha the sandy wolf asked I am. the black one. why have you interfere in are fight demanded the black wolf walking up to us because your on moon creek territory my territory if I need to be accurate growled the sandy wolf my name is alpha John now speck your name he growled the name is alpha Ryo of the blood Moon pack Ryo growled this wolf was on my territory this afternoon and I came to take her back to my pack house for questioning Ryo said eyeing me. I growled I was with a friend who went to a doctor's appartment last I checked helping a friend out was not illegal now is it I growled glaring at the black alpha plus you could of asked me instead if attacking me and my friends I said eyeing him more. Ryo growled I see that all you did was cause trouble here in my territory now leave before we attack said the sandy color wolf. The four enemy wolves left. I turned and ran to my friends Tori was kneeling next to Kyla. I bent down whimpering K-Kyla little one wake up I whimper as the other wolves walked up tell your friend to put her on my back we will help your friend said John. I turned to look into sapphire eyes of the sandy color wolf she can hear you alpha John I said bowing my head. Tori draged Kyla over to the alpha wolf I shifted picking Kyla up putting her on the alpha wolf. The sandy color wolf started running leaving me and Tori with a silver color wolf "Hannah your bleeding" Tori said "I know but don't worry about me we need to go to Kyla" I said shifting. I binded to allow Tori get on. She climb on and I started to follow the silver wolf to the pack house.

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