Chapter 2

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It had been 6 months since that night. The night when I sang with Harry.

I had gotten a little better, but not much. I had been writing songs. Writing songs with Harry. We had been performing them at clubs or school or anything really. It was fun.

I still hadn't talked to Veronica. Haven't talked to her since I left.

Kelly and me have gotten to be very good friends. We spend pretty much every day together. We are probably best friends.

Harry and I, well, we are Harry and I. We write together and he is an amazing singer.

He has been singing with a couple of his other friends too. A coincidence it was when Louis, the boy that helped me with my classes, was one of them.

I met them a couple months ago. Harry introduced them to me when we were in Starbucks. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis was with them.

Niall seemed very outgoing. Bright blonde hair with brown at the roots. He is always smiling and laughing.

Liam is very nice and intelligent. He makes me laugh with his corny jokes. Brown buzzcut and very tall, but not as tall as Harry.

Zayn is quiet. He has his hair styled up in a quiff and seems like a big fan of beards. He reminds me of a model for some reason. I guess he has that model "look."

Louis cracks me up every time. He makes me laugh and has that kind of messy hair. He is always joking about his shortness.

The interesting thing is they are all British, except Niall. Niall is Irish.

Me and Harry have gotten closer though. I talk to him more than ever and don't freak out if he touches me. I've gotten used to it, but he never takes advantage of it.

I've never told him about my parents or Peter or anything about my last though. I've never told anybody that since I came here. And I will keep it like that. It needs to remain a mystery.

Right now, it is December. It is December 8th to be exact and I am freezing my ass off. It has gotten so cold in Kentucky.

Veronica's birthday is in 3 days. I don't know what to do. She turns 25 and I guess I should send her a card or something. I am definitely not fucking visiting her.

I haven't even thought about Christmas much. I'm not going home for Christmas, but I might take a road trip or something. I haven't done that in a while.

Harry is flying to London to visit his family. Kelly is flying to South Carolina to visit her family. Harry asked me to come with him to London, but I declined it. I wasn't going to and dint want to. Not that I didn't want to be with Harry or meet his family or anything.

I thought I needed some alone time. And I did.

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