Chapter 53

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I could feel Harry staring at me a couple times when I would drive. I would turn my head to meet his eye contact, but he would always turn away.

About an hour later, he was snoring in his seat. So fucking loud. His mouth was wide open and he had his seat reclined to where it was laying almost flat down.

I couldn't stand listening to his snores anymore. I had to do something to make him close his fucking mouth.

Then, I jerked the car over and back. Our bodies swayed and Harry's head hit the side of his door. He woke up.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled, running the side of his head.

"Sorry, it was the wind." I muttered, trying not to laugh.

"This is why I don't let you drive."

He stayed awake after that, and I was glad. I couldn't stand hearing him snore anymore.

Soon, we were getting closer to the campus. But, the gas was getting low, so we had to pull over at the gas station.

Harry got out of the car to fill up the tank, while I had the drivers door open, fiddling for my credit card to pay.

As I jumped out of the car to slide in the credit card, a voice stopped me.


I turned around to see a familiar figure standing at their car, pumping gasoline into their tank.

I walked closer to the figure and was met with somebody I didn't really want to see right now. Veronica.

Oh Fuck.

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