Chapter 24

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It was about ten minutes into the drive and I couldn't find a station with the right music. I flipped through the radio, but decided on plugging in my phone. As I did this, Harry spoke.

"So, what's the first thing we are going to do in New York? He said, looking straight ahead.

"Sleep," I said, dead serious.

He chuckled. "Besides that."

"Work on finishing that song."

"The one for the audition?"

"Yes, Harry."

He didn't speak for a few minutes. I could tell he was thinking about something, but I didn't know what. He was in serious thought.

"What happens after the audition?"

"We wait."

He chuckled. "No, I mean, what are we going to do after the audition in New York?"

"Haven't thought of it yet. Any suggestions?"

"Nope. Not yet."

I hummed in response. I have just been focused on the song, nothing else.

Then, Harry asked an out of the ordinary question.

"Do you believe in love, Anne?"
Oh fuck.

"Yes, Harry. I do."

"Have you ever been in love?"

Oh fucky fucky fuck fuck. Why does it have to be this question?

Should I tell him the truth or not? I'm eighteen years old, so... Oh, what the hell.

"Yes, I have."

This seemed to bring him out of his daze. His eyes widened and posture straightened and he turned his head towards me, smirking.

"Really? With who?"

"More like with what. Those luscious curls get me everyone time."

He looked in the middle and touched his hair.

"Yeah, I agree." He sighed. "They are pretty sexy, and the one who tames them, is even sexier."

"In your dreams, Styles." I snorted.

"Really though, have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, Harry. I have been in love."

He sucked in a breath.

"Have you?" I asked.

"Have I what?"

"Have you ever fallen in love before?"

"I-" He seemed confused. Eyebrows furrowed and lips pursued. "I haven't."

I hummed in response and slumped down in my seat. I was so fucking tired and it was going to be a long ride.

As my eyelids started getting heavier and heavier, I thought I heard Harry mutter something under his breath, but I could've been wrong.

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