Chapter 8

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After I finished cleaning his face, I walked out with no words said. I walked out into the kitchen. My stomach was screaming for food even though it was 2 in the morning.

I heard my shower start. What the hell? He should have asked, but I was used to Harry doing that.

I hadn't really thought much about what Harry said. I'm positive he said that when I was in the car, but I just don't know.

I don't know why I seemed so depressed when he said that. It's kind of crazy, really.

I've never considered taking a liking in Harry. I've never really thought about it. Me and Harry are just friends, but I don't know.

If Harry did say yes to what he said, what would I have done anyways? Would I drive away or stare at him speechless? I really don't know. I guess I was kind of glad he said no, but kind of upset when he said no. I don't know.

I've never really understood Harry. He's always seemed a mystery to me. Always full of surprises. For example, a couple weeks ago, when it was at the beginning of November, he just asked me to go with him to London. Just like that.

It was crazy. Very, very crazy.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps. Harry appeared out of the hallway. Wet curls surrounding his face, black sweatpants hanging loose on his hips, and a plain, grey sweatshirt.

I didn't make eye contact with him. Instead, I turned around and searched my cabinets for some cereal.

I could tell he was deciding on what to say. I could hear the cracks after his feet would shift. I knew he was looking at me when I was searching.

"So..." He started, and I turned around, pouring the cereal in a bowl. "Anne, I would like to thank you if I haven't, for helping me with cleaning my face."

I chuckled. He wasn't finished. He started to speak again.

"But, I hope you know I'm not sorry for what happened at the party. That fucker deserved what he got."

My chuckling ceased and I winced at his language. Why did he have to bring this up again?

"Anyways," he changed the subject. "I didn't see Kelly, did you?"

No, I didn't." Was all I said, and turned around to put up the cereal box.

"Did you talk to her yesterday?"

"Yes." I stayed turned around, eating my cereal.

Harry sighed. He knew he wasn't getting anywhere with me. I wasn't going to talk to him much. I was going to keep it short.

"Goodnight, Anne." And with that, he was gone to the guest bedroom.

I stayed turned around until I finished my cereal. Then, I went to my bedroom.

I was so fucking tired didn't want to take a shower. So, so tired...

As my eyelids started getting heavier and heavier, one thought crossed my mind, one saying.

"Sometimes, when people are in falling love, they burst into flames and lose it."

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