Chapter 74

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I got back at my apartment around 3 o'clock that day. I was so fucking tired.

It was New Years Day and I was packing my bags up again to leave Kentucky for good.

The thing was, as soon as I got back to my home, I cried and cried. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

I was just... Overwhelmed, I guess. I left Harry, Harry made me leave, whatever. Harry and I arguing. Harry drinking. Harry disappearing.

I was so overwhelmed.

I packed up everything as soon as I got home. Every single thing. My bedding, my kitchen supplies, every single thing.

Kelly was home already, so I said my goodbyes to her. I got everything figured out with my apartment and fees. Around 8 at night, I was ready to leave for New York.

It was shocking because I packed so fast, but, I think I was already ready to leave. That's why it was such a quick packing.

I left around 8 and drove straight for 13 hours. It was tiring. I hadn't slept since I was on the place, and I had fucking jet lag. I barely slept on the plane though, so when I got to New York and my house, I brought in my bags, and immediately fell asleep on the couch. I got home around 9:30 in the morning, which would be 10:30 New York time.

I slept the whole day that day. I woke up at 1:00 in the morning the next day.

I couldn't sleep so I started unpacking my bags. Things were left as it was like last time. Nothing was out of place.

I checked my phone. No missed calls. I guess Harry could care less. He doesn't care. He never did. I don't know what's wrong with him. I starting to believe that he used me. Used me for his company, rather than being alone. I don't know. I'm starting to think I'm going crazy.

I finished unpacking my stuff around 3. I didn't have anything to do. Nothing at all. Nothing.

Then, something clicked. I could write. I hadn't wrote in about a week or so, and I needed to. So, that's just what I did.

But, I didn't write about just anything. I didn't write a story or just some lyrics that rhymed. I wrote about him.

I wrote about the boy that stole my heart. The boy that broke down my walls. The boy that made me feel invincible and alive. The boy that gave me hope. The boy that I'm still falling in love with.

The boy that would be Harry Edward Styles.

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