Chapter 54

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Veronica walked closer to me.

I turned to look back at Harry and it seemed he was watching us. Damn.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered, where Harry could here me.

"I was visiting Aunt Debbie and Uncle Terry. I didn't tell you?" She asked, eyebrows furrowing.

What the fuck? Is she following me or something? She drove 3 hours from her home just to come here and visit my aunt and uncle? That can't be right.

"No, you didn't tell me. Why are you here? I know that's not why." I said, harshly.

"I wanted to visit you from your trip and then, after I spent some time with you, I was going to see our aunt and uncle. I wanted to spend Christmas with you because I know you wouldn't have came to us."

Was she out of her fucking mind? I can't let Harry know about my family, or anybody in that matter. I just can't, and Veronica is ruining it. They can't find out. They can't.

Veronica spoke up while I was in the midst of my thoughts.

"Who's your friend?" She said, walking toward Harry.

She walked around my car and to Harry with her hand out to shake. This can't be happening.

"Hi, I'm Veronica. I'm Anne's older sister. And you are...?" She said, smiling. Harry smiled back.

I was fucking nauseous. She is going to ruin everything and tell them everything. He will find out about my parents and my past and I can't let that happen.

"I'm Harry." He said, shaking Veronica's hand.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Anne." She looked back at me.

Oh, fuck me now.

Harry chuckled. "We are just friends."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked to the floor. Veronica looked back at me.

"So, did you go with Anne to New York?"

I didn't tell her. I didn't tell her he went to New York with me. Dammit.

He looked back up at Veronica. "I did. She didn't tell you?" Then, he looked at me questionably.

"No, she didn't." She looked at me, and now all eyes were on me.

"I forgot." I said, walking to the drivers door.

Veronica hummed in response.

"So," Harry started. "You're Anne's sister. She talks a lot about you, I hope you know." He said to Veronica.

I'm going to hurt him. I swear I'm going to hurt him.

"Really?" She turned her head to look at me. "That's surprising because she never visits the family or talks to us."

Harry looked back at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because you and her parents are always busy because of you all's job."

No. Please tell me he didn't just say that.

Veronica sucked in a breath. "She told you about-"

That's when I stopped her. "Well, we should get going. Our classes start back tomorrow and its very late."

All eyes were in me now. I looked to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact.

After a moment of silence, Harry spoke.

"Yes, we should. It was nice meeting you, Veronica."

"Nice meeting you too, Harry." And then, I heard her footsteps walking away.

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