Chapter 60

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After an hour of looking for that damn passport, I finally found it.

I grabbed all of my writings, stuffed them in a carry on bag, and slid on my shoes.

And I walked out. Walked out of my apartment, ready for London.

It was such a fast and quick decision, though. I had an inner battle with myself, but, I made up my mind in 5 minutes. I guess it wasn't such a hard decision if it was that short.

Soon, I was in my car driving to the airport.

It was 10 at night, Christmas Eve, and I was in a fucking airport going to London. I couldn't believe the madness.

I walked through the doors, looking for the quickest flight to London, well Chicago.

I went up to one of the people that worked for one of the airlines and asked them.

"Excuse me sir, when is your next flight to Chicago?"

"Our next flight is," he typed on his computer, eyes flashing side to side every second. "In 2 hours."

"I'll take it."

I got my ticket and everything from my credit card and the flight ticket figured out. Soon, I was waiting for my fucking plane to get back.

I sat there, tapping my foot against the floor, arms crossed, looking at the planes, through the huge glass windows. Then, my phone rang.

"Hel-" I was cut off.

"Merry Christmas!" Harry's voice rang through the other line.

"Harry, what the hell? Isn't it like 2 am there?"

"It actually is," he paused, probably looking at the time. "4:30 in the morning here."

"Why are you up at 4:30 in the fucking morning?"

"Well," he dragged out. "Why are you up at 11:30 at night? That is so late."

"Harry," I thought of a lie. "I couldn't sleep," which was partially true.

He hummed in response.

"So, how is your family? How's your home?"

"Holmes Chapel is amazing. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I got here, along with my family."

"That's great, Harry."

He was happy. I knew he was. By the way he sounded through the phone, he was truly happy. It brought a smile to my face.

"So, how are you? How is that song coming?"

"It's going great, just trying to finish it. I've been okay."

"You're okay? That's it? What the hell is going on, Anne?" He joked, but honestly, I wasn't okay.

"Everything is good. I just miss you, I guess." I teased.

"Well, that's hurtful."

He laughed and so did I.

Flight 309, we are now ready to board.

My laughing ceased.

"Harry, I think I'm going to go to bed." I lied, again.

"Okay," was all he said.

"Bye, Harry."

"Bye, Annie."

That's when I hung up and got onto the plane.

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