Chapter 38

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I could barely walk. My legs were so sore, but every time Jack had to drag me, he would hit me in my side.

As we started walking towards the doors, a hand jerked Jack back, which brought me with him.

I couldn't see anything because of the pitch black, so I didn't know what was happening.

Jack was nowhere to be found. I just stood there though. I think that's what I regret the most, there. I didn't run. I just stood there. Frozen.

Then, a couple minutes after, a hand grabbed my arm and I flinched.

It led me out of the club and I looked down. I didn't want people seeing me with a bloody face.

Then, the figure appeared in front of me, but I couldn't recognize it. My vision was so blurry from the vodka, so I thought it was Jack. It had to be Jack.

Jack led me to a car and put me in the seat. He strapped me in and got in the passenger side, and drove off from the club.

I laid my head against the cold window. I was so fucking drunk. I started to drift off to sleep, until I heard the car door slam.

Then, my door opened. Jack undid my seatbelt and carried me out of the car into a house.

My eyes shut again and I heard the door shut. I was still in his arms and he was walking. He then stopped walking and placed me on something hard.

Then, a fucking light came on. It shined into my eyes and I used my hand to shield it.

"Damn," I heard him mutter.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and was met with a blurry figure.

The figure stepped toward me and in between my legs.

"Annie," they spoke, and that's when I was wide awake.

"Harry," I said, my vision becoming clearer.

His eyes softened once they met mine. Hair was disheveled and sticking all over places over his bandana. Jumper ripped in places and both, his jumped and jeans, had mud all over them.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his neck. I started sobbing my eyes out.

Harry started running my back slowly and wrapped his arms around me, and we both winced.

Harry pulled back and spoke.

"Anne, I'm going to have to clean you up. I'll be right back."

I nodded. He left.

I looked around and noticed we were in my bathroom. I was propped against the counter. I didn't dare to look at my face, but I did look at my clothes.

Ripped dress. Skin showing in places from the large rips. Blood all over my dress also and under the dress. I knew I had large cuts on my skin, under my dress, by the way the blood stains were very large.

Now, it all made sense. Harry wasn't harsh with me. He was gentle when I went with him. I can't believe I didn't notice it was him.

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