Chapter 32

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Harry soon came walking in the kitchen. And he looked pretty good.

Curls pulled back by a skull bandana, jumper, and tight, black skinny jeans, with those scuffed up boots.

I stood up, ready to speak.

"Finally, you took quite a while."

I walked over to him and grabbed the keys.

As he saw my full appearance, his eyes widened.

"It's the curls." He paused. "You look... Breathtaking, Annie. Absolutely breathtaking."

I just smiled and nodded. I was ready to go.

Soon, we were in the car and Harry was driving. It was 4:15. Hopefully, we would get there in time.

I was very nervous though. My leg bounced up and down. It was a habit. Then, Harry laid his hand on my knee.

"Stop, now you're making me nervous." He chuckled. "Everything is going to be okay."

I just nodded. I had to calm myself down.

Harry turned on the radio to make the silence less awkward. And I guess to relax me. Of course, as soon as the radio turns on, it had to be so loud, it is rattling the windows with a man screaming the word "KILL," many, many times.

I put my hands over my ears to drown out the loudness, but it never does work. Harry finally turned down the volume and changed the song to something slower and... Less screamy.

As we drove, I thought of one thing. One thing, well person, that has crossed and been in my mind since I was 16. Peter.

He always wanted me to go here. Always. Not just any school, Juilliard. I just, I can't believe he isn't here. He always said he would go with me, but... He didn't. I guess he didn't physically go with me, but he will always be with me in my heart. Wow, that sounds cheesy, but its the truth.

I wish I got more time with him though. I wish he could've told me. Told me about the cancer. Told me all of his emotions he had bundled up inside him. Told me the truth.

Maybe, just maybe one day, I could figure everything out. Peter, my parents, Veronica, that bitchy aunt of mine. I wish I could figure out what goes on in Kelly's head. She never really tells the truth sometimes.

And I wish I could figure out Harry. There are sometimes when I think "Maybe I should tell him everything," but I just don't know what his reaction will be like. I'm scared. I'm afraid. I'm terrified.

But, most importantly, I wish I could figure out myself. I've done all these things that I shouldn't have done and tan away from these things when I should have stayed, but I don't know. I don't know if I will ever change, good or bad. I want to, though. I want to get better. I just, I don't know.

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