Chapter 73

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I took Harry's car and I didn't give a fuck. I took his car and drove straight to the airport.

I left his car in the parking spot. He could figure out where his car was because I didn't give a shit. I had to get home.

The first flight out was to Chicago and I got on that one. I was already on the plane when I realized, I hadn't even checked the time or known anything.

It was 4 in the morning when I was on the flight to Chicago. I couldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe anything really. Harry kind of told me to leave and I said I wouldn't ever come back, and that was the truth.

I knew coming to London was a mistake. I could feel it. Harry doesn't even know about Juilliard. He doesn't even know I'm leaving... For good.

I'm not even going to come back to Kentucky for a while. I'm not, and that's the truth. I was so sick and tired of him not telling me things and keeping these secrets from me. I hate the arguments and the anger. I understand how I was to him, though. I was the exact same person to him, like he was acting now, but he stayed with me. I had to leave. I was one of the people who ran away from their problems.

I decided that when I got home, I would pack up all my stuff, say goodbye to Kelly, and just leave. I would arrive earlier at New York and settle everything out there, a little bit earlier.

I would only say goodbye to Kelly, nobody else, and leave. I wasn't going to the cemetary for my parents. I had to get out of the state. I had to.

Kentucky reminded me so much of the problems I've caused. So much fucking drama. From me and alcohol to not even going to my parents funerals.

I was a mess. A fucking mess.

And Harry. I don't know what the hell was wrong with him. That wasn't the Harry I know. He wouldn't have done that. He wouldn't have shut me out. He wouldn't have.

I don't know where he went. I don't know why he drank. He never drinks, unless it's at a party and he is stressed or sad. I still don't understand.

Yesterday was supposed to be the best day of his life. He was supposed to go out and perform and have the time of his life. He was supposed to be happy. His family was seeing him perform, and he was doing what he loves. But, something was wrong.

I want to know. I need to find out, but I can't if he shuts me out. But, now I'm gone. I have left him for good. Without another word spoken.

Maybe someday I'll figure out what was wrong and maybe, I could help.

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