Chapter 20

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After talking to Harry, I jumped in my car and realized our whole conversation lasted 2 hours. It was 6:12. What the hell?

I drove straight to my apartment to see Kelly.

I was so excited Harry was coming with me. So, so excited. The thing is, I don't understand why I'm not going to ask Kelly. The only person I wanted to come with me, 100 percent, is Harry.

I walked up to Kelly's door and knocked. A couple knocks later, I was met with Kelly's blue, messy hair, ripped jeans, and a crop top. Always wanting attention.

Her eyes widened when she saw me and jumped onto me.

"Hey!" She screamed, hugging me.

I laughed and said, "Hey."

"Where did you go?"

"I went back to my sister's house."

She broke away from the hug and backed up a few steps.


This was going to be a hard part. Hard to tell her I was going to go to New York, even though it was a week. It would just be hard.

"I'm going to New York in 2 days." I said, getting straight to the point.

At that moment, her eyes dropped to the floor and posture slugged down.

"Why?" She muttered.

"I-" I stuttered. "I have a Juilliard audition."

At that moment, she looked at me, wide eyed.

"What the fuck? A fucking Juilliard Audition?" She said, smiling.

"Yeah," I softly smiled.

"That's so fucking amazing. How long are you staying?"

"I don't know. I'll find out when I get there, I guess. I'm driving."

She hummed in response.

"And," I hesitated, and spoke again. "Harry is going with me."

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