Chapter 46

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"Hey, Veronica..." I said slowly.

Currently, it was 7 at night and I was sitting in fucking New York traffic. After having an inner battle with myself, I decided to call Veronica and tell her about the audition.

"How was the audition?" She said, after a long period of silence.

I guess she was shocked that I called her.

"It was... Okay. A lot of people were there auditioning, so it took a while to get to mine."

She hummed in response. "That's great. How is New York?"

"Busy. Right now I'm stuck in fucking traffic."

She chuckled. "I'm glad that audition went okay."

"Traffic is starting to move. Bye Veronica." I said, quickly.

"Bye, Anne." And with that, our conversation was over.

The traffic was moving, but the thing was, I didn't want to drive home. By home, I mean my home in New York. I didn't want to go yet, but I guess I was scared about last night. Well, yeah, j was scared. It was yesterday.

But, I can't live in fear. I don't want to still be scared. I might've made the stupidest move by doing this, but I didn't care. I wanted to go to a party. I heard there was a party near the campus, for students that already go there and newcomers, so I went to that one.

I didn't know how I managed to find the party, but I did. It was just a street down from the campus, and it was pretty obvious there was a party there. Music cranked up, teenagers on the front yard. Yep, that's a party.
As soon as I stepped foot in the house, I was immediately handed a red cup and met with the smell of alcohol and smoke.

After moments of looking around the house, I decided this was a frat house. I didn't know Juilliard had frats, but, now I know.

I walked into the living room and many people were cheering at this table. Two figures stood up at the tables, drinking from a red cup. Beer pong.

One figure, standing by the table, caught my eye. No. It couldn't be him.

Standing there, was a mop of curls pulled back by a black bandana, a blue plaid shirt over a white T-shirt, and tight, black skinny jeans. Harry Styles.

That wasn't what I was looking at though. Standing beside him, arm around his waist, was a blonde girl. Crop top that stopped above her belly button and black high waisted shorts.

That's what I was looking at and... I didn't like it.

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