Chapter 41

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I didn't move. I just sat there, well, we just sat there in the same position.

Both of my arms had now snaked their way around Harry's neck. Harry's hands were both, now on my waist.

We both were breathing heavily, from the kiss and all. Harry had the biggest smile on his face, and so did I.

But, the fucking phone rang and brought us out of our trance. We both looked in the direction and then, Harry looked back to me.

"I got it." He mumbled, and got out of the tub, grabbing a towel on his way out the door.

I switched position and was now, floating on my back in the water.

I can't believe that just happened. I kissed Harry Styles and I liked it.

But, I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have kissed him because it could ruin our friendship, and I don't want that to happen. I don't want to lose Harry.

A couple minutes later, Harry came in. He was changes into a pair of black sweats and a white T-shirt, that you could see his tattoos through.

Slowly, I stand up out of the tub and let out the water. Harry comes to my side, helping me up, and hands me a towel.

As I'm drying off, Harry speaks.

"Do you need me to get your clothes?" He muttered.

I look up and him and notice this gaze is on the floor.

I knew I couldn't put them on myself. I was still a little drunk and out of my mind, so I nodded and said yes.

He disappeared seconds later and then came back with my clothes in hand.

I stopped drying off myself and wrapped the towel at my chest. Harry looked at me and then lifted me up onto the counter.

Slowly, he unwrapped the towel and his hands went straight to the back of my bra. He unclipped it, but his gaze was in the floor. I trusted him not go look.

Then, he slipped a T-shirt over my top half. He opened up the towel and went straight for my underwear. This was going to be the hard part.

He grabbed both of the sides and pulled them down from my body. Then, he slowly put on a new pair and my black sweats.

"Ready to go to bed?" He asked, now looking at me.

Nodding again, Harry helped me down of the counter and to my bed. As I laid down, I noticed Harry started walking toward the stairs.

"Harry," I said and he turned around.

"Will you stay with me?" He immediately nodded his head and got in the bed.

I laid down my head on his chest and laid my hands on his stomach. He wrapped his arm around my waist and his other rubbed my arm.

As I started to fall asleep, one thought crossed my mind, and for once, I smiled about it.

I was falling in love with fucking Harry Styles and I was okay.

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