Chapter 28

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Soon, we made it to my house, with the help of Harry's amazing directions.

It kind of brought a small smile to my face, seeing the house and all. The fact that I was in new York. The fact I was in new York with my best friend. The fact I was in New York with my best friend for a Juilliard audition. It was amazing.

As we pulled info the driveway of the house, I checked the time.

"Damn, 10:15. It took that long?" I said, in awe.

"Yeah, it did." He nodded. "We did get fucking lost because of someone's directions and the traffic."

"It's not my fault, Harry." I paused, trying to think of something. "You were kind of screaming at me when the next exit for food was."

He was taken aback. He placed a hand on his chest, acting offended.

"I was not!" And with that, I jumped out of the car, and to the back seat.

Harry and I's luggage was put in the back seat. He had brought much more than me, and I still don't know why. He probably had 4 suitcases brought with him.

As we walked into the house, my jaw dropped.

In front of me was a small kitchen and to the left, was the living room. It was small, but seemed very like home. Beside the living room, on the right, was stairs. The stairs led up to a small, open bedroom. You could see the whole bedroom from the kitchen. There was railing along the stairs and the bedroom. Off to the left of the living room, was a small, guest bedroom. It sounded big, but it was very small.

I carried my luggage up to the stairs and by the bed. Harry spoke, down below in the living room.

"I'm guessing you're in that room?"

I looked down from the railing and watched him for a moment. He was messing with his luggage zipper, curls falling from his face from looking down. He was waiting for my answer.

"Your guess is correct."

He looked up from the zipper and up at me. Once his eyes met mine, he smiled.

"I'm going to take a shower." And with that, he jolted, with his luggage, to the guest bedroom.

When Harry left for a shower, I decided to call Kelly.


"We fucking made it. We are in New York!" I said, excited.

"That's great! Now, its time for you and Harry to get it on."

"What the absolute hell? Kelly, I've already told you, we are just friends."

She laughed. "I know, I was just kidding."


"Anyways, how it is? What's it look like? How was the drive?" She bombarded me with questions.

"Everything's okay. We got lost a couple times, but managed to get there."

Soon, she said she had to go because she was going to another party. Typical Kelly. So, we hung up.

I unloaded my luggage while Harry was still in the shower and then, I sat on the couch.

I started working on the song more, until I started to feel my eyelids get heavy.

Slowly, I put my things on the table and laid my head against the arm of the couch, and then fell asleep.

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