Chapter 37

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I started to dance and it felt amazing. The alcohol running through my blood was going crazy.

I didn't even think about Harry. I just wanted to dance.

More and more people started to crowd up and grind.

I felt a pair of hands around my waist and pull me closer to the person's body. I started to panic. Even though I was shit drunk, I knew what was happening.

I started to grab the person's hands, but due to the drunkness, it didn't work out. Then, I heard a voice.

"Shh, baby. It's okay. I finally found you."

No. It can't be. It can't be. I must be fucking dreaming. He can't be here.

I grabbed his hands and tried to pry them off of me. I was a little sobered up now, and that woke me up.

He tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me into his front.

"Where have you been, baby?" He mumbled into my hair. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

I turned around in his grip and I was right. It was him. It was Jack.

Once my eyes met his, he brought one of his hands up to my cheek and caressed it.

"Jack," I said, in awe.

How could he be here? Did he follow me? How? Why?

"God, baby. It sounds so fucking good to hear your voice." He smiled.

I had to get away from him. He would play sweet and innocent, but then hit me later. I know he would.

He was the boy that invaded my dreams.

I struggled to get out of his grip, and his smile now turned to an angry expression.

"Don't fight me, baby, or it won't go good."

He pressed his fingers into my waist harder and I knew it would leave bruises later. His grip on my cheek was tighter too.

All I could think of was scream. So, I did. I screamed.




And then came a smack. Jack smacked me in the face, and from the impact, I went tumbling to the floor.

I looked up and all I saw was Jack, smirking. People were around us, crowded around us, but seemed to occupied or drunk to notice. I couldn't believe it.

Jack bent down at my level.

"Shut the fuck up, and we won't have to go through that again." He growled, and grabbed my arm harshly.

I struggled in his grip and screamed again. Smack. Scream. Smack.

I screamed and kick him. Next thing you know, Jack raises his fist and punches me straight in the jaw.

I could feel the blood drilling out of my nose. My face was probably full of blood.

Nobody could tell though. It was so fucking dark, you couldn't see anything. You couldn't hear my screams because the music covered it up. I was hopeless.

Jack grabbed me up by both of my underarms and pulled me up. Then, he grabbed my waist harshly, and pushed me into his side.

"Don't say a fucking word." And we started walking.

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