Chapter 71

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I couldn't believe that fucker. What the hell is wrong with him? He fucking walked away. Why is he acting like this?

I walked back into the club angrily. As I walked in, I noticed a mop of curls at the bar. He was taking fucking shots, with a crowd gathering around him.

I watched him take 5 shots straight, until I couldn't anymore. I walked backstage, looking for the boys.

I was met with what I was last time. Niall was talking and laughing with the man in a suit. I needed to talk to him, and that's what I did.

"Niall, did Harry say anything?"

He turned around and his eyes widened when he looked at me.

"No, he didn't."

"He is taking fucking shots at the bar, getting wasted. What the hell is wrong with him, Niall?"

Niall looked worried. "I'll go check on him and talk to him."

And with that, he walked out of the backstage.

I waited and waited for a while. And finally, Niall came back.

"He's so fucking drunk, Anne. I don't know what to do. He tries to argue." He looked down.

I didn't say anything. I immediately walked out of the backstage and to that fucking bar.

I finally found him and realized, he was still taking shots. He had this drunken smile on his face after he finishes another shot.

Slowly, I walked over to him. I put my hand on his arm.

"Harry," I say, getting his attention.

He turns his attention to my and turns his body in his seat. He smiles, once his eyes meet mine.

"Annie, baby!" He slurs, and opens up his arms and throws them in the air.

"Harry, I want to go home." I say lightly.

Surprisingly, he agrees. He stands up, but stumbles do to the alcohol. I help him stand up. I wrap my arm around his waist and put his arm around my shoulder.

I help him walk out of the club and straight to my car, well his car. I put him in the passenger seat and walk around to the drivers. I get in the car and start it. Then, I drive off.

As I'm driving, Harry speaks up.

"Thank you for coming," he mumbled, laying his head against the window and closing his eyes.

Slowly, I drive on to his house.

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