Chapter 40

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"Can we just talk about it later?" I whined.

He nodded reluctantly.

Then, I sat up. I wrapped my arms around my knees.

"He won't get near you ever again. I'm here, Annie. I'm always going to be here, Annie." He said, softly.

Then, he grabbed a rag beside him. He looked at me and I nodded. I know what he wanted to do and I was okay with that.

He came closer and so did I. Then, he started washing all the dirt off of me. First, my arms, then I stretched out my legs and he washed those too. Then, my stomach. And he was done.

He leaned back against the tub to relax. I stayed sat up.

I rose up in my knees and scooted closer to Harry. I moved his body over, so now I was sitting beside him in the tub.

He watched me carefully with his eyes.

Slowly, I raised my trembling hands to his hair. He sat up while I was in the process.

As I pulled out his bandana, we made eye contact. I slowly put his bandana beside the tub, on the counter, and turned my attention back to him.

Then, he put his hand on my waist. I could tell he was being careful. He started running circles on my waist.

I looked at his hand and back to his eyes. He seemed to be in a trance like I was, but soon pulled out of it. He was still in the same position though.

He licked his plumps lips slowly, and brought his other hand to my unbruised cheek.

One of my hands grabbed into his arm and my other hand grabbed onto the hand that caressed my cheek. I let my hand stay there.

"Harry," I whispered, locking eyes with him again.

The distance between our faces soon got less and less. His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes. I leaned in closer.

Soon, our lips met. His soft, plump lips met mine. They moved in sync together.

His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for permission and I accepted it. Soon, our tongues were battling and he won.

The kiss, or make out session, lasted for what felt like days, and then it ended.

As we pulled apart, we looked into each other's eyes, and that's when I knew, I was falling in love with Harry Styles.

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