Chapter 42

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I woke up to my head feeling like it was exploding. Hangovers.

I shouldn't have drank that much. Shouldn't have. I couldn't even protect myself because I was so fucking drunk.

I felt the side beside me on the bed and noticed Harry wasn't there. I looked beside me to double check and it was true. Where the hell was he?

Slowly, I got up to check my phone. 11:03. And 4 missed calls. 1 from Harry, 1 from Kelly, and 2 from Veronica.

Harry's call was from last night, while we were at the club, I believe. Hmm.

Kelly called me at audition time and so did Veronica. I didn't call them back though. I dropped my phone on my bed and walked down the stairs.

As I walked down the stairs, there, sprawled out across the couch, was an eating Harry.

It was a weird position. He had a bowl full of cereal laying on his chest, while he played flat on his back.

He noticed me and set down the cereal to stand up.

"Morning," he said, sleepily.

"I have a fucking hangover." I remarked.

He chuckled. "Need some help with that?"

"No, I'm good." I walked over to the cabinet to get some meds for the hangover.

"Want to do anything today?" He walked over to the counter and sat on the stool, watching me.

"Maybe, I don't know. We kind of had a long day yesterday." I said referring to the auditions and the club.

He hummed in response and looked away. I know it was too early in the day to talk about what happened.

"Niall called me this morning." He said, looking at the pills and drumming his fingers on the counter."

I hummed in response.

"We got another gig coming up." He said, smiling.

"When?" I turned around and filled up a glass of water.

"In London on New Years."

I turned around and saw him grinning so big.

"Oh my God, Harry." I said in awe.

The thing was Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam were in a band, like I said earlier, and they were very well known in the States. But, it was crazy.

They weren't famous or anything. In Kentucky and around Kentucky, people had heard of them. Going to London was so amazing though.

Their band was called One Direction and they had the voice of literal angels.

"How?" I spoke again.

"It seems a producer heard of us and our music. They booked a gig with us at the biggest club in London, and if they like us, we might get a record deal." He faded the last sentence out.

"No fucking way!" I screamed.

This was so amazing. I knew that was what the boys wanted. That was their dream.

"And there's on last thing, Annie."

I sucked in a breath and smiled. "What else could there be, Harry?"

"I want you to come to London with me."

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