Chapter 50

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After the tattoo situation with Harry, I got out of the house. I drove away for a couple of hours until it was night. It was 10:00.

When I walked through the door, Harry stood up and took a couple long strides over to me. It seemed he had been laying on the couch waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He raised his voice.

"I had to get some air."

"Fuck, Anne. I was so fucking worried about you." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Harry, I want to go back home tomorrow." I said.

I wanted to say it like that. And I did. I wanted to go home because I knew if I stayed here with Harry longer, we would fight or something bad would happen, and I didn't want to see that happen. I knew we would get in another argument and it wouldn't be good.

He crossed his arms over his bare chest and looked at the floor.

"Okay, we will leave tomorrow." He mumbled, and then walked to the couch.

I finally got to take in his appearance. Bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair, and bags under his eyes. What the hell? I was only gone for half of the day.

I didn't do anything though, which was stupid. I should've walked over to him and comforted him or some something. But, instead, I walked up the stairs to take a shower.

I was a coward. A mess. A fucking mess.

After I got out of the shower, I looked over the railing to see if Harry was still on the couch. He was.

He was asleep though. Small snores came through his lips, which were parted. Curls spread out on the pillow.

I decided to pack up in the time I had. I packed up all my clothes, shoes, and everything to get ready to leave tomorrow.

I just couldn't believe we were leaving already, but it was my decision. It was a short trip, but I guess it was fun.

I wish we could've stayed longer, but I knew me and Harry would argue more and more about anything. He would try and get some answers out of me, and I just couldn't risk that happening. I couldn't.

After I got done packing, I immediately jumped into bed and fell asleep. I was ready to leave for tomorrow.

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