Chapter 43

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"I want you to come to London with me."

Those words ring through my mind many times.

I told him I couldn't go with him to see his family, does he even remember?

"Harry, I-" I couldn't finish my sentence looking at him.

His eyes were so fucking big and green. So green. He was hopeful I would go with him. I know he was. This time, he wasn't confused. He was hopeful.

"I can pay for everything. You don't have to worry about-" I stopped him right there.

I was fine financially. I knew he would offer to pay. He always offers to pay anything if I ever needed help.

"Harry, it's not that. I already told you I couldn't come."

His facial expression didn't change.

"No, you said you couldn't come for Christmas. This is for New Years, Annie."

"Harry, I can't."

I was afraid. I didn't know what would happen in London if I came with him, and I didn't want to take a chance. I was so fucking scared.

"Why can't you? I can't fly you in and back out. I just thought you would want to come and see us."

Fuck. He got me there. I do want to see him perform, but... I don't know. Anything can happen.

"Harry, I do, I just can't. I can't."
"But why? If you want to see us, then come. We would only stay a couple days."

I shook my head. It would be a year since mom and dad passed away and I couldn't be a continent away, celebrating. I couldn't go.

Harry spoke again, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Your parents won't let you go, will they?" He asked, pursuing his lips.

Yes. I had to lie. There we go.

Slowly, I nodded my head. "They won't let me go. I know they won't."

I didn't think he believed me.

"They let you go to New York, though." He squinted his eyes.

"They're not going to let me go a whole fucking continent away, Harry." I ran my hand through my hair.

He hummed in response and nodded his head.

"I could talk to them." He proposed.

No. No. No. If he ever found out... I don't know. But, I know it wouldn't be good.

"Harry, they are so busy. They will say no. I know they will."

Now, he was the one to run his hand through his hair. He sighed loudly.

"I wish you could go with me. I just wish you could."

"I do too, Harry. I do too."

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