Chapter 57

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A couple days passed and it was Wednesday. I hadn't talked to Harry or Kelly all week. Nor did I talk to Veronica.

The only time I talked to Harry was Monday and he just sent me a text. He told me his flight left Thursday night and that was it.

It was currently 11 in the morning and I was drinking fucking coffee at Starbucks, trying to keep myself warm. I hate coffee, but I just wanted to keep myself warm.

I had a pen and paper in front of my eyes. I was writing another song, well, attempting to.

I hadn't been doing so well in writing lately. I just haven't had any ideas. My mind has been blank or occupied by other thoughts.

I would keep thinking about that damn Juilliard audition or fucking Harry. I wanted to know if they would accept it or whatever Juilliard does and then, I wanted to know about Harry. I wanted to know what was on his mind, what he thought when I told him about my parents. What he thought about the kiss. What he thought about Veronica. What he thought about everything.

As I started to have an idea of what to write, the bell at the top of the door took me away from my thoughts.

Then, the person that had been invading my thoughts for the past week, slipped in the other side of the booth I was sitting at.

I looked up. "Harry,"

"Anne," he smiled. He looked down and nodded at the paper I was going to write on.

"You're writing?" He asked.

"More like trying to come up with something." I shrugged. "I can't think."


"The Juilliard audition. I can't stop thinking about it." That was partially true.

He nodded his head. "I leave tomorrow." He said, changing the subject.

"I know. What time is your flight?"

"8:00 tomorrow night, which I'll have to be there an hour early for security."

"When are you coming back?"

"The boys are staying until the 12th to visit their families, but I'm coming back the 4th."

"Why are you coming back so early?"

"Well, I was hoping to spend some time with you before we get back to classes. I would've already been with my family for almost three weeks, I think."

"Harry, stay longer with your family if you want to. I'll be fine."

"What if I don't want to? I want come back and spend some time with you, after all the shit we've gone through." He mumbled the last part.

"Okay, Harry." I sighed.

"Alright, but I have a plan." He said, tapping his fingers on the table, looking me in the eyes.

"Oh no." I teased.

"When I come back, we are going to sing and write our asses off. Then, we are going to go to that fucking Ed Sheeran concert together and meet him." He said, determined.

"I agree on the first part, but the second? How is that going to happen?" I laughed.

"This," he said, and dug in his pockets. Then, he brought out two long pieces of paper.

"These are two tickets to the Ed Sheeran concert, where he is playing in Chicago. We are going to go on," he paused to look at the tickets. "January 6th. Merry Christmas, Annie."

I thought he was fucking joking. He couldn't have got us both tickets, could he? Ed Sheeran is for definitely my favorite singer and I've always wanted to go to his concert. Who the hell is this guy in front of me?

I got out of the booth and walked towards Harry. Then, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I buried my head into his chest.

"Thank you, Harry. This means so much."

"Anything for you, Annie. Anything for you."

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