Chapter 11

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As he left, I grabbed my keys and stripped off my clothes. I put on a fresh pair of clothes.

After, I sprinted to my car. As I stopped at a stoplight, I sent Kelly a quick text.

To Kelly: Hey, sorry I didn't call you back yesterday. Harry got fucking drunk and I had to take care of him. Just wanted to let you know I'll be out of town today. I'll be back tomorrow.

And I sent it. I kept having second thoughts about the letter. Many "what ifs," but I had to shoo them away.

Hours later, I realized I was almost back home. Memories of years here come back. Bad memories and good memories.

I shook them away from my thoughts. I just needed to know what that letter said.

Soon, I was at Veronica's house. Not my home. It wasn't my home anymore. It wasn't at all, for a fact. I never felt at home.

It was 3:13. I needed to speed this up. I grabbed my key and ran up to the front door. I put it in and was met with a vanilla smell.

I walked into the kitchen and was met with a messy haired Veronica.

Her eyes immediately looked at my figure.

"Anne?" She said, shocked.

"I need to see the letter." I said, looking around.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

"Well, I'm here now. Where the hell is the letter, Veronica?"

Her eyes shifted to the kitchen table, where an envelope lay.

I scurried to it and picked it up. I looked at the corner and it fucking said Juilliard and was addressed to me.

I took a deep breath and slip over the envelope. Inside the letter, it was folded. I took it out, and unfolded it.

"Here I go." I whispered to myself.

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