Chapter 69

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Finally, my legs could walk, so I walked out of the club. This time, I didn't go and congratulate them. I had to get some air. It was fucking crowded and the Harry situation wasn't helping me one bit.

I didn't think Harry would leave. I knew he would come back and perform, but why the hell did he even leave in the first place? Why did he leave? I know he's not going to tell me. It would end up with both of us yelling and fighting with each other.

As I sat on the bench, my phone rang. It was a number fucking Juilliard. I had there number saved in my contacts. It was the board.

"Hello?" I quickly answered.

"Is this Miss Elizabeth Woods?"

"Yes, that's me." I said, looking at the cars driving by.

"This is the Juilliard Musical Institution. We are very sorry to call you on New Years. We didn't know if you had gotten our letter yet or not, so we thought we would call and tell you."

What the hell?

"Tell me what, exactly? I'm not at home at the moment, and haven't gotten a letter."

"We sent it a couple days ago, and it takes some time to send from New York to Kentucky, so I understand your confusion." The woman paused. "I was a judge at your audition, Miss Woods."

I was shocked. "You were?"

"Yes, my name is Mrs. Addy and I would like to inform you that we would love for you to come to Juilliard this year."

The air was sucked out of my lungs. No fucking way.

She took my silence as an answer to keep speaking.

"We understand that you have enrolled, and we would love to have you here as a student."


"We would like you to come in January. That's when the new semester starts and that is the right time to come. If you come any later, fees will be applied and you will most likely be lost during the courses."

"What day are you expecting me to come?"

"January 10th. We would figure everything else out when you got here, in New York."

"I can't come later than that?"

"No, you can't. That's the enrollment day and when the meeting is set up with the board for Juilliard."

"Okay," was all I said.

I ran my hand through my hair and sat back against the bench.

"So Miss Woods, you will be attending and coming to New York?"

I was silent for a second.

I would have less time with Harry. So much less time. But, this is once in a lifetime opportunity. He would want me to go. Finally, I made up my mind.

"Yes, I'll see you January 10th."
And with that, I hung up and thought about what I just did.

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