Chapter 31

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I woke up to the sounds of light snores and a heavy weight on my back.

I was laying on my stomach and it seemed Harry's arm was draped across my back, pulled into his chest.

Finally, I got out of his grip and checked out his appearance. Messy curls were sprawled across his pillow. Lips parted with light snores and his breathing was even.

His curls had gotten so long. I had been telling him maybe it was time for a haircut, but he refused. He said his curls made him look "manly" the longer they were.

I slowly got out of the bed and walked into the living room. I checked the time on the TV and realized it was 1 in the afternoon. What the hell? Why have I been sleeping so late?

And that's when it all clicked. I had a fucking audition in 4 hours and it was 45 minutes away from my house. We had to get ready and I had to get the finishing touches to the song. I had to review and fix it, and I had four hours.

Oh fuck.

I went up to my bedroom and searched through the closet. K could tell some of these clothes were my mothers. In fact, all of the clothes were hers.

Finally, I found the right clothing. I knew it couldn't have been mine, but I didn't have time to process anything.

It was beautiful though. A two piece dress, I guess, but it didn't look 2 pieces. You could barely see any skin showing, but it was beautiful. (Pictured at the top)

I laid it out on the bed and went into Harry bedroom.

"Harry," I shook his shoulders.


"Harry," I shoved him.

Finally, he moved. He groaned and rubbed his hands over his face.

"What the hell do you want, Annie?" He grumbled.

"We have to get ready. We have 3 hours until my audition."

And with that, he was wide awake. He sat up and looked at me wide eyed.

"What the fuck?! Then let's get going!" He screamed, then smiled.

I was confused by the act, but in the end, laughed.

"I'll be in the shower." He said, as I walked out of the room.

I jumped in my shower quick and it out of it quick. 3:30. Time goes by so fucking fast.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my papers that had the lyrics on it. I knew them by heart, but I reviewed what I had written. Was it good enough? Was it even that good?

It wasn't time to doubt. I knew I was ready.

I slipped on the dress and did my hair and everything I had to do to have a good appearance.

I went to the kitchen and sat in one of the stools to wait for Harry. While waiting, I looked over everything.

That's when I knew, I was ready for what was to come.

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