Chapter 16

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"So, what did your parents say about it?" He said through the phone.

"About what?"

He laughed. "The letter and you going to New York."

Lie. Lie. And lie.

I nervously laughed. "I didn't tell them. They don't even know."

"Then, who told you or how did did you find about the letter?"

"My sister called me. Mom and dad were working and not home. They don't even know I'm home." I acted natural.

Lie after lie. So many lies.

He hummed in response and then started laughing. "That sounds like you."

"What sounds like me?" I gasped.

"Hiding things from people. You're pretty good at it."

If you only knew, Harry.

I hummed in response. I hoped he would change the subject and he did.

"I just, wow. New York. That's amazing."

"I know, Harry. I know. It's crazy."

I heard fumbling on the other side of the phone.

"Shit. Anne, I gotta go. Niall needs me to go to the fucking store with him to get beer. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I realized, we indeed had been talking for hours. Small talk until 8 at night.

"Goodnight, Harry."

And that was the end of the conversation.

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